This helps the healthcare team get a complete picture of the symptoms. Also, the use of recreational drugs, such as marijuana, stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamines, or hallucinogens, can cause similar symptoms. Compared with adults with schizophrenia, teens with the condition may be less likely to have delusions and more likely to have hallucinations. A 2023 study shows that individuals with schizophrenia experience higher levels of stress than those living without the condition. Explaining further, Dr. Toshikazu Ikuta, one of the researchers, said, "The primary outcome for our study was improvement in scores related to negative symptoms."
Management and support
Brain health isn’t the only thing that changes as you age with schizophrenia. Older adults with schizophrenia experience many physical health aspects of aging, too. “[These] can make dealing with schizophrenia symptoms even more challenging,” says Dr. Singh.