Exception Object
    [message:protected] => load error: failed to find /plugins/type/simple/simple/style.n2less
    [string:Exception:private] => 
    [code:protected] => 0
    [file:protected] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/assets/less/lessc.php
    [line:protected] => 1851
    [trace:Exception:private] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/libraries/slider/css.php
                    [line] => 63
                    [function] => compileFile
                    [class] => n2lessc
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => /plugins/type/simple/simple/style.n2less


            [1] => Array
                    [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/plugins/type/simple/simple/type.php
                    [line] => 115
                    [function] => getCSS
                    [class] => N2SmartSliderCSSAbstract
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array


            [2] => Array
                    [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/libraries/slider/type.php
                    [line] => 48
                    [function] => renderType
                    [class] => N2SmartSliderTypeSimple
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => N2SmartSliderCSSSimple Object
                                    [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object
                                            [manifestData] => Array
                                                    [generator] => Array


                                            [isGroup:protected] => 
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                                                                    [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41
                                                                    [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41
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                                                                            [0] => Array
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                                                                                    [layers] => Array



                                                                    [ordering] => 1
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                                                                    [title:protected] => Slide 1
                                                                    [description:protected] => 
                                                                    [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg
                                                                    [parameters] => N2Data Object
                                                                            [_data] => Array
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                                                                                    [background-animation-speed] => default
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                                                                                    [href-target] => _self
                                                                                    [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ==
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[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
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[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
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[href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 1 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjYwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ1JvYm90byBTbGFiJyxBcmlhbCIsImxpbmVoZWlnaHQiOiIxLjQiLCJ3ZWlnaHQiOjQwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiY2VudGVyIiwibGV0dGVyc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsIndvcmRzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwidGV4dHRyYW5zZm9ybSI6Im5vbmUifSx7ImV4dHJhIjoiIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 90 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjIwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ01vbnRzZXJyYXQnLEFyaWFsIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuMiIsIndlaWdodCI6NDAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoidXBwZXJjYXNlIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 40 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 20 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 0 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 0 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 0 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Static Slide [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [thumbnailType] => default [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 1 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] => [isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] => [visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( ) [context:protected] => [index] => -1 [attributes] => Array ( ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1903183463 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 6 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885908.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 6 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-6 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901800901 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 7 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-03 14:52:42 [publish_down] => 2030-04-04 14:52:42 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 2 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic2.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [maximumSlideCount:protected] => 20 ) [slides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 6 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885908.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 6 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-6 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901800901 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 7 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-03 14:52:42 [publish_down] => 2030-04-04 14:52:42 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 2 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic2.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [firstSlideIndex] => 0 [device:protected] => [assets] => N2SmartSliderCSSSimple Object *RECURSION* [cache:protected] => [staticSlides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 5 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-22 14:04:23 [publish_down] => 2030-04-23 14:04:23 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 680 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitmaxwidth] => 560 [tabletportraitpadding] => 10|*|50|*|10|*|50|*|px+ [mobileportraitpadding] => 75|*|30|*|75|*|30|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|20|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 70 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 1 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjYwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ1JvYm90byBTbGFiJyxBcmlhbCIsImxpbmVoZWlnaHQiOiIxLjQiLCJ3ZWlnaHQiOjQwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiY2VudGVyIiwibGV0dGVyc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsIndvcmRzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwidGV4dHRyYW5zZm9ybSI6Im5vbmUifSx7ImV4dHJhIjoiIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 90 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjIwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ01vbnRzZXJyYXQnLEFyaWFsIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuMiIsIndlaWdodCI6NDAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoidXBwZXJjYXNlIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 40 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 20 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 0 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 0 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 0 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Static Slide [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [thumbnailType] => default [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 1 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] => [isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] => [visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( ) [context:protected] => [index] => -1 [attributes] => Array ( ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1903183463 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [sliderType:protected] => N2SmartSliderTypeSimple Object ( [backgroundAnimation:N2SmartSliderTypeSimple:private] => [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [jsDependency:protected] => Array ( [0] => nextend-frontend [1] => smartslider-frontend ) [javaScriptProperties:protected] => Array ( [admin] => [translate3d] => 1 [callbacks] => [background.video.mobile] => 1 [randomize] => Array ( [randomize] => 0 [randomizeFirst] => 0 ) [align] => normal [isDelayed] => 0 [load] => Array ( [fade] => 1 [scroll] => 0 ) [playWhenVisible] => 1 [playWhenVisibleAt] => 0.5 [responsive] => Array ( [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [onResizeEnabled] => 1 [type] => auto [downscale] => 1 [upscale] => 1 [minimumHeight] => 0 [maximumHeight] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidth] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTablet] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTabletLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobile] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobileLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthConstrainHeight] => 0 [forceFull] => 0 [forceFullOverflowX] => body [forceFullHorizontalSelector] => [constrainRatio] => 1 [sliderHeightBasedOn] => real [decreaseSliderHeight] => 0 [focusUser] => 1 [focusEdge] => auto [deviceModes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 0 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [normalizedDeviceModes] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => Array ( [0] => unknown [1] => Unknown ) [desktopPortrait] => Array ( [0] => desktop [1] => Portrait ) [desktopLandscape] => Array ( [0] => desktop [1] => Portrait ) [tabletPortrait] => Array ( [0] => tablet [1] => Portrait ) [tabletLandscape] => Array ( [0] => tablet [1] => Portrait ) [mobilePortrait] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) [mobileLandscape] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) ) [verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) [minimumFontSizes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 4 [desktopLandscape] => 4 [tabletPortrait] => 4 [tabletLandscape] => 4 [mobilePortrait] => 4 [mobileLandscape] => 4 ) [ratioToDevice] => Array ( [Portrait] => Array ( [tablet] => 0.7 [mobile] => 0.5 ) [Landscape] => Array ( [tablet] => 0 [mobile] => 0 ) ) [sliderWidthToDevice] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1200 [desktopLandscape] => 1200 [tabletPortrait] => 840 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 600 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [basedOn] => combined [orientationMode] => width_and_height [overflowHiddenPage] => 0 [desktopPortraitScreenWidth] => 1200 [tabletPortraitScreenWidth] => 800 [mobilePortraitScreenWidth] => 440 [tabletLandscapeScreenWidth] => 800 [mobileLandscapeScreenWidth] => 440 [focus] => Array ( [offsetTop] => #wpadminbar [offsetBottom] => ) ) [controls] => Array ( [mousewheel] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => 0 [lazyLoadNeighbor] => 0 [blockrightclick] => 0 [maintainSession] => 0 [autoplay] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [start] => 1 [duration] => 5000 [autoplayToSlide] => -1 [autoplayToSlideIndex] => -1 [allowReStart] => 0 [pause] => Array ( [click] => 1 [mouse] => 0 [mediaStarted] => 1 ) [resume] => Array ( [click] => 0 [mouse] => 0 [mediaEnded] => 1 [slidechanged] => 0 ) ) [perspective] => 1000 [layerMode] => Array ( [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [initCallbacks] => Array ( [0] => [1] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetArrowImage(this, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5); [2] => [3] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetBulletTransition(this, {"overlay":1,"area":12,"dotClasses":"n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot ","mode":"","action":"click"}); ) [allowBGImageAttachmentFixed] => [bgAnimationsColor] => RGBA(51,51,51,1) [bgAnimations] => 0 [mainanimation] => Array ( [type] => horizontal [duration] => 400 [delay] => 0 [ease] => easeOutQuad [parallax] => 0 [shiftedBackgroundAnimation] => 0 ) [carousel] => 1 [dynamicHeight] => 0 ) [widgets:protected] => N2SmartSliderWidgets Object ( [enabledWidgets] => Array ( [arrow] => N2SSPluginWidgetArrowImageSmallRectangle Object ( [name:protected] => imageSmallRectangle [ordering] => 1 ) [bullet] => N2SSPluginWidgetBulletTransition Object ( [name:protected] => transition [ordering] => 1 ) ) [widgets] => Array ( [previous] =>
previous arrow
[next] =>
next arrow
) [above:N2SmartSliderWidgets:private] => Array ( ) [aboveHTML:N2SmartSliderWidgets:private] => [below:N2SmartSliderWidgets:private] => Array ( [0] => bullet ) [belowHTML:N2SmartSliderWidgets:private] =>
[positions:N2SmartSliderWidgets:private] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [side] => both [modifierH] => 1 [modifierV] => 1 [stack] => horizontal [horizontal] => Array ( [side] => left [position] => 0 ) [vertical] => Array ( [side] => top [position] => 0 ) ) [3] => Array ( [side] => vertical [modifierH] => 1 [modifierV] => 1 [stack] => vertical [horizontal] => Array ( [side] => left [position] => width/2-{widgetname}width/2 ) [vertical] => Array ( [side] => top [position] => 0 ) ) [4] => Array ( [side] => both [modifierH] => 1 [modifierV] => 1 [stack] => horizontal [horizontal] => Array ( [side] => right [position] => 0 ) [vertical] => Array ( [side] => top [position] => 0 ) ) [5] => Array ( [side] => horizontal [modifierH] => 1 [modifierV] => 1 [stack] => horizontal [horizontal] => Array ( [side] => right [position] => width ) [vertical] => Array ( [side] => top [position] => height/2-{widgetname}height/2 ) ) [6] => Array ( [side] => horizontal [modifierH] => 1 [modifierV] => 1 [stack] => horizontal [horizontal] => Array ( [side] => left [position] => 0+(previouswidth > 0 ? previouswidth+15 : 0) ) [vertical] => Array ( [side] => top [position] => height/2-{widgetname}height/2 ) ) [7] => Array ( [side] => horizontal [modifierH] => 1 [modifierV] => 1 [stack] => horizontal [horizontal] => Array ( [side] => right [position] => 0+(nextwidth > 0 ? nextwidth+15 : 0) ) [vertical] => Array ( [side] => top [position] => height/2-{widgetname}height/2 ) ) [8] => Array ( [side] => horizontal [modifierH] => 1 [modifierV] => 1 [stack] => horizontal [horizontal] => Array ( [side] => left [position] => width ) [vertical] => Array ( [side] => top [position] => height/2-{widgetname}height/2 ) ) [9] => Array ( [side] => both [modifierH] => 1 [modifierV] => 1 [stack] => horizontal [horizontal] => Array ( [side] => left [position] => 0 ) [vertical] => Array ( [side] => bottom [position] => 0 ) ) [10] => Array ( [side] => vertical [modifierH] => 1 [modifierV] => 1 [stack] => vertical [horizontal] => Array ( [side] => left [position] => width/2-{widgetname}width/2 ) [vertical] => Array ( [side] => bottom [position] => 0 ) ) [11] => Array ( [side] => both [modifierH] => 1 [modifierV] => 1 [stack] => horizontal [horizontal] => Array ( [side] => right [position] => 0 ) [vertical] => Array ( [side] => bottom [position] => 0 ) ) ) ) [shapeDividerAdded:protected] => [style:protected] => ) [staticHtml] =>


located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

[isStaticEdited] => [sliderRow:N2SmartSliderAbstract:private] => Array ( [id] => 3 [alias] => [title] => Demo Slider - Free Static [type] => simple [params] => 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[slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureBlockRightClick:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) [autoplay] => N2SmartSliderFeatureAutoplay Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureAutoplay:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 1 [isStart] => 1 [duration] => 5000 [interval] => 0 [intervalModifier] => loop [intervalSlide] => current [allowReStart] => 0 [stopOnClick] => 1 [stopOnMouseEnter] => 1 [stopOnMediaStarted] => 1 [resumeOnMouseLeave] => 0 [resumeOnMediaEnded] => 1 [resumeOnSlideChanged] => 0 [stopOnMouse] => 0 [resumeOnClick] => 0 [resumeOnMouse] => 0 ) [translateUrl] => N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [from] => [to] => ) [layerMode] => N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) 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=> 1200px [canvasheight] => 600px ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/libraries/slider/abstract.php [line] => 265 [function] => render [class] => N2SmartSliderType [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderCSSSimple Object ( [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object ( [manifestData] => Array ( [generator] => Array ( ) ) [isGroup:protected] => [sliderId] => 3 [cacheId] => n2-ss-3 [data] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [id] => 3 [alias] => [title] => Demo Slider - Free Static [type] => simple [params] => 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[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [allEnabledSlides:protected] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 5 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-22 14:04:23 [publish_down] => 2030-04-23 14:04:23 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 680 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitmaxwidth] => 560 [tabletportraitpadding] => 10|*|50|*|10|*|50|*|px+ [mobileportraitpadding] => 75|*|30|*|75|*|30|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|20|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 70 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 1 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjYwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ1JvYm90byBTbGFiJyxBcmlhbCIsImxpbmVoZWlnaHQiOiIxLjQiLCJ3ZWlnaHQiOjQwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiY2VudGVyIiwibGV0dGVyc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsIndvcmRzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwidGV4dHRyYW5zZm9ybSI6Im5vbmUifSx7ImV4dHJhIjoiIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 90 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjIwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ01vbnRzZXJyYXQnLEFyaWFsIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuMiIsIndlaWdodCI6NDAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoidXBwZXJjYXNlIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 40 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 20 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 0 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 0 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 0 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Static Slide [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [thumbnailType] => default [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 1 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] => [isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] => [visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( ) [context:protected] => [index] => -1 [attributes] => Array ( ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1903183463 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 6 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885908.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 6 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-6 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901800901 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 7 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-03 14:52:42 [publish_down] => 2030-04-04 14:52:42 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 2 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic2.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [maximumSlideCount:protected] => 20 ) [slides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 6 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885908.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 6 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-6 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901800901 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 7 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-03 14:52:42 [publish_down] => 2030-04-04 14:52:42 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 2 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic2.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [firstSlideIndex] => 0 [device:protected] => [assets] => N2SmartSliderCSSSimple Object *RECURSION* [cache:protected] => [staticSlides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 5 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-22 14:04:23 [publish_down] => 2030-04-23 14:04:23 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 680 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitmaxwidth] => 560 [tabletportraitpadding] => 10|*|50|*|10|*|50|*|px+ [mobileportraitpadding] => 75|*|30|*|75|*|30|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|20|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 70 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 1 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => 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=> located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjIwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ01vbnRzZXJyYXQnLEFyaWFsIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuMiIsIndlaWdodCI6NDAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoidXBwZXJjYXNlIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 40 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 20 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 0 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 0 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 0 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Static Slide [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [thumbnailType] => default [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 1 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] => [isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] => [visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( ) [context:protected] => [index] => -1 [attributes] => Array ( ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1903183463 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [sliderType:protected] => N2SmartSliderTypeSimple Object ( [backgroundAnimation:N2SmartSliderTypeSimple:private] => [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [jsDependency:protected] => Array ( [0] => nextend-frontend [1] => smartslider-frontend ) [javaScriptProperties:protected] => Array ( [admin] => [translate3d] => 1 [callbacks] => [background.video.mobile] => 1 [randomize] => Array ( [randomize] => 0 [randomizeFirst] => 0 ) [align] => normal [isDelayed] => 0 [load] => Array ( [fade] => 1 [scroll] => 0 ) [playWhenVisible] => 1 [playWhenVisibleAt] => 0.5 [responsive] => Array ( [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [onResizeEnabled] => 1 [type] => auto [downscale] => 1 [upscale] => 1 [minimumHeight] => 0 [maximumHeight] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidth] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTablet] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTabletLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobile] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobileLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthConstrainHeight] => 0 [forceFull] => 0 [forceFullOverflowX] => body [forceFullHorizontalSelector] => [constrainRatio] => 1 [sliderHeightBasedOn] => real [decreaseSliderHeight] => 0 [focusUser] => 1 [focusEdge] => auto [deviceModes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 0 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [normalizedDeviceModes] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => Array ( [0] => unknown [1] => Unknown ) [desktopPortrait] => Array ( [0] => desktop [1] => Portrait ) [desktopLandscape] => Array ( [0] => desktop [1] => Portrait ) [tabletPortrait] => Array ( [0] => tablet [1] => Portrait ) [tabletLandscape] => Array ( [0] => tablet [1] => Portrait ) [mobilePortrait] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) [mobileLandscape] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) ) [verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) [minimumFontSizes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 4 [desktopLandscape] => 4 [tabletPortrait] => 4 [tabletLandscape] => 4 [mobilePortrait] => 4 [mobileLandscape] => 4 ) [ratioToDevice] => Array ( [Portrait] => Array ( [tablet] => 0.7 [mobile] => 0.5 ) [Landscape] => Array ( [tablet] => 0 [mobile] => 0 ) ) [sliderWidthToDevice] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1200 [desktopLandscape] => 1200 [tabletPortrait] => 840 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 600 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [basedOn] => combined [orientationMode] => width_and_height [overflowHiddenPage] => 0 [desktopPortraitScreenWidth] => 1200 [tabletPortraitScreenWidth] => 800 [mobilePortraitScreenWidth] => 440 [tabletLandscapeScreenWidth] => 800 [mobileLandscapeScreenWidth] => 440 [focus] => Array ( [offsetTop] => #wpadminbar [offsetBottom] => ) ) [controls] => Array ( [mousewheel] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => 0 [lazyLoadNeighbor] => 0 [blockrightclick] => 0 [maintainSession] => 0 [autoplay] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [start] => 1 [duration] => 5000 [autoplayToSlide] => -1 [autoplayToSlideIndex] => -1 [allowReStart] => 0 [pause] => Array ( [click] => 1 [mouse] => 0 [mediaStarted] => 1 ) [resume] => Array ( [click] => 0 [mouse] => 0 [mediaEnded] => 1 [slidechanged] => 0 ) ) [perspective] => 1000 [layerMode] => Array ( [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [initCallbacks] => Array ( [0] => [1] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetArrowImage(this, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5); [2] => [3] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetBulletTransition(this, {"overlay":1,"area":12,"dotClasses":"n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot ","mode":"","action":"click"}); ) [allowBGImageAttachmentFixed] => [bgAnimationsColor] => RGBA(51,51,51,1) [bgAnimations] => 0 [mainanimation] => Array ( [type] => horizontal [duration] => 400 [delay] => 0 [ease] => easeOutQuad [parallax] => 0 [shiftedBackgroundAnimation] => 0 ) [carousel] => 1 [dynamicHeight] => 0 ) [widgets:protected] => N2SmartSliderWidgets Object ( [enabledWidgets] => Array ( [arrow] => N2SSPluginWidgetArrowImageSmallRectangle Object ( [name:protected] => imageSmallRectangle [ordering] => 1 ) [bullet] => N2SSPluginWidgetBulletTransition Object ( [name:protected] => transition [ordering] => 1 ) ) [widgets] => Array ( [previous] =>
previous arrow
[next] =>
next arrow
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located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

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[time] => 2020-04-04 14:44:40 [thumbnail] => $upload$/slider3/freestaticthumb.png [ordering] => 0 ) [exposeSlideData] => Array ( [title] => 1 [description] => [thumbnail] => [thumbnailType] => ) [isAdmin] => [less] => Array ( [/plugins/type/simple/simple/style.n2less] => Array ( [sliderid] => ~'#n2-ss-3' [width] => 1200px [height] => 600px [canvas] => 0 [count] => 2 [margin] => 0px 0px 0px 0px [hasPerspective] => 1 [perspective] => 1000px [backgroundSize] => cover [backgroundAttachment] => scroll [borderRadius] => 0px [paddingt] => 0px [paddingr] => 0px [paddingb] => 0px [paddingl] => 0px [border] => 0px [borderrgba] => RGBA(62,62,62,1) [borderhex] => #3E3E3E [inner1height] => 600px [canvaswidth] => 1200px [canvasheight] => 600px ) [/plugins/widgetarrow/image/image/style.n2less] => Array ( [sliderid] => n2-ss-3 ) [/plugins/widgetbullet/transition/transition/style.n2less] => Array ( [sliderid] => n2-ss-3 ) ) [css] => Array ( [0] => div#n2-ss-3 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[verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) ) [controls] => N2SmartSliderFeatureControls Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureControls:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [mousewheel:N2SmartSliderFeatureControls:private] => 0 [drag] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => N2SmartSliderFeatureLazyLoad Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureLazyLoad:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 [neighborCount] => 0 [layerImageOptimize] => [layerImageTablet] => 0.5 [layerImageMobile] => 0.3 [layerImageSizeBase64] => [layerImageSizeBase64Size] => 5120 ) [align] => N2SmartSliderFeatureAlign Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureAlign:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [align] => normal ) [blockRightClick] => N2SmartSliderFeatureBlockRightClick Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureBlockRightClick:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) [autoplay] => N2SmartSliderFeatureAutoplay Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureAutoplay:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 1 [isStart] => 1 [duration] => 5000 [interval] => 0 [intervalModifier] => loop [intervalSlide] => current [allowReStart] => 0 [stopOnClick] => 1 [stopOnMouseEnter] => 1 [stopOnMediaStarted] => 1 [resumeOnMouseLeave] => 0 [resumeOnMediaEnded] => 1 [resumeOnSlideChanged] => 0 [stopOnMouse] => 0 [resumeOnClick] => 0 [resumeOnMouse] => 0 ) [translateUrl] => N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [from] => [to] => ) [layerMode] => N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) 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[backgroundImageHeight] => 600 ) [margin] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [margin] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 ) ) [maintainSession] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) ) ) [sizes] => Array ( [marginVertical] => 0 [marginHorizontal] => 0 [width] => 1200 [height] => 600 [canvasWidth] => 1200 [canvasHeight] => 600 ) [context:protected] => Array ( [sliderid] => ~'#n2-ss-3' [width] => 1200px [height] => 600px [canvas] => 0 [count] => 2 [margin] => 0px 0px 0px 0px [hasPerspective] => 1 [perspective] => 1000px [backgroundSize] => cover [backgroundAttachment] => scroll [borderRadius] => 0px [paddingt] => 0px [paddingr] => 0px [paddingb] => 0px [paddingl] => 0px [border] => 0px [borderrgba] => RGBA(62,62,62,1) [borderhex] => #3E3E3E [inner1height] => 600px [canvaswidth] => 1200px [canvasheight] => 600px ) ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/libraries/slider/manager.php [line] => 95 [function] => render [class] => N2SmartSliderAbstract [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/cache/manifest.php [line] => 22 [function] => renderCachedSlider [class] => N2SmartSliderManager [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => N2CacheManifestSlider Object ( [parameters:N2CacheManifestSlider:private] => Array ( [slider] => N2SmartSlider Object ( [manifestData] => Array ( [generator] => Array ( ) ) [isGroup:protected] => [sliderId] => 3 [cacheId] => n2-ss-3 [data] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [id] => 3 [alias] => [title] => Demo Slider - Free Static [type] => simple [params] => 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[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [allEnabledSlides:protected] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 5 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-22 14:04:23 [publish_down] => 2030-04-23 14:04:23 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 680 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitmaxwidth] => 560 [tabletportraitpadding] => 10|*|50|*|10|*|50|*|px+ [mobileportraitpadding] => 75|*|30|*|75|*|30|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|20|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 70 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 1 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjYwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ1JvYm90byBTbGFiJyxBcmlhbCIsImxpbmVoZWlnaHQiOiIxLjQiLCJ3ZWlnaHQiOjQwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiY2VudGVyIiwibGV0dGVyc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsIndvcmRzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwidGV4dHRyYW5zZm9ybSI6Im5vbmUifSx7ImV4dHJhIjoiIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 90 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjIwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ01vbnRzZXJyYXQnLEFyaWFsIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuMiIsIndlaWdodCI6NDAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoidXBwZXJjYXNlIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 40 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 20 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 0 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 0 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 0 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Static Slide [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [thumbnailType] => default [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 1 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] => [isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] => [visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( ) [context:protected] => [index] => -1 [attributes] => Array ( ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1903183463 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 6 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885908.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 6 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-6 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901800901 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 7 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-03 14:52:42 [publish_down] => 2030-04-04 14:52:42 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 2 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic2.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [maximumSlideCount:protected] => 20 ) [slides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 6 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885908.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 6 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-6 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901800901 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 7 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-03 14:52:42 [publish_down] => 2030-04-04 14:52:42 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 2 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic2.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [firstSlideIndex] => 0 [device:protected] => [assets] => N2SmartSliderCSSSimple Object ( [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [sizes] => Array ( [marginVertical] => 0 [marginHorizontal] => 0 [width] => 1200 [height] => 600 [canvasWidth] => 1200 [canvasHeight] => 600 ) [context:protected] => Array ( [sliderid] => ~'#n2-ss-3' [width] => 1200px [height] => 600px [canvas] => 0 [count] => 2 [margin] => 0px 0px 0px 0px [hasPerspective] => 1 [perspective] => 1000px [backgroundSize] => cover [backgroundAttachment] => scroll [borderRadius] => 0px [paddingt] => 0px [paddingr] => 0px [paddingb] => 0px [paddingl] => 0px [border] => 0px [borderrgba] => RGBA(62,62,62,1) [borderhex] => #3E3E3E [inner1height] => 600px [canvaswidth] => 1200px [canvasheight] => 600px ) ) [cache:protected] => [staticSlides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 5 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-22 14:04:23 [publish_down] => 2030-04-23 14:04:23 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 680 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitmaxwidth] => 560 [tabletportraitpadding] => 10|*|50|*|10|*|50|*|px+ [mobileportraitpadding] => 75|*|30|*|75|*|30|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|20|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 70 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => 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[desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 90 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjIwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ01vbnRzZXJyYXQnLEFyaWFsIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuMiIsIndlaWdodCI6NDAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoidXBwZXJjYXNlIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 40 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 20 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 0 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 0 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 0 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Static Slide [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [thumbnailType] => default [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 1 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] => [isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] => [visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( ) [context:protected] => [index] => -1 [attributes] => Array ( ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1903183463 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [sliderType:protected] => N2SmartSliderTypeSimple Object ( [backgroundAnimation:N2SmartSliderTypeSimple:private] => [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [jsDependency:protected] => Array ( [0] => nextend-frontend [1] => smartslider-frontend ) [javaScriptProperties:protected] => Array ( [admin] => [translate3d] => 1 [callbacks] => [background.video.mobile] => 1 [randomize] => Array ( [randomize] => 0 [randomizeFirst] => 0 ) [align] => normal [isDelayed] => 0 [load] => Array ( [fade] => 1 [scroll] => 0 ) [playWhenVisible] => 1 [playWhenVisibleAt] => 0.5 [responsive] => Array ( [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [onResizeEnabled] => 1 [type] => auto [downscale] => 1 [upscale] => 1 [minimumHeight] => 0 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=> Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) [mobileLandscape] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) ) [verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) [minimumFontSizes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 4 [desktopLandscape] => 4 [tabletPortrait] => 4 [tabletLandscape] => 4 [mobilePortrait] => 4 [mobileLandscape] => 4 ) [ratioToDevice] => Array ( [Portrait] => Array ( [tablet] => 0.7 [mobile] => 0.5 ) [Landscape] => Array ( [tablet] => 0 [mobile] => 0 ) ) [sliderWidthToDevice] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1200 [desktopLandscape] => 1200 [tabletPortrait] => 840 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 600 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [basedOn] => combined [orientationMode] => width_and_height [overflowHiddenPage] => 0 [desktopPortraitScreenWidth] => 1200 [tabletPortraitScreenWidth] => 800 [mobilePortraitScreenWidth] => 440 [tabletLandscapeScreenWidth] => 800 [mobileLandscapeScreenWidth] => 440 [focus] => Array ( [offsetTop] => #wpadminbar [offsetBottom] => ) ) [controls] => Array ( [mousewheel] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => 0 [lazyLoadNeighbor] => 0 [blockrightclick] => 0 [maintainSession] => 0 [autoplay] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [start] => 1 [duration] => 5000 [autoplayToSlide] => -1 [autoplayToSlideIndex] => -1 [allowReStart] => 0 [pause] => Array ( [click] => 1 [mouse] => 0 [mediaStarted] => 1 ) [resume] => Array ( [click] => 0 [mouse] => 0 [mediaEnded] => 1 [slidechanged] => 0 ) ) [perspective] => 1000 [layerMode] => Array ( [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [initCallbacks] => Array ( [0] => [1] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetArrowImage(this, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5); [2] => [3] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetBulletTransition(this, {"overlay":1,"area":12,"dotClasses":"n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot ","mode":"","action":"click"}); ) [allowBGImageAttachmentFixed] => [bgAnimationsColor] => RGBA(51,51,51,1) [bgAnimations] => 0 [mainanimation] => Array ( [type] => horizontal [duration] => 400 [delay] => 0 [ease] => easeOutQuad [parallax] => 0 [shiftedBackgroundAnimation] => 0 ) [carousel] => 1 [dynamicHeight] => 0 ) [widgets:protected] => N2SmartSliderWidgets Object ( [enabledWidgets] => Array ( [arrow] => N2SSPluginWidgetArrowImageSmallRectangle Object ( [name:protected] => imageSmallRectangle [ordering] => 1 ) [bullet] => N2SSPluginWidgetBulletTransition Object ( [name:protected] => transition [ordering] => 1 ) ) [widgets] => Array ( [previous] =>
previous arrow
[next] =>
next arrow
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located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

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[time] => 2020-04-04 14:44:40 [thumbnail] => $upload$/slider3/freestaticthumb.png [ordering] => 0 ) [exposeSlideData] => Array ( [title] => 1 [description] => [thumbnail] => [thumbnailType] => ) [isAdmin] => [less] => Array ( [/plugins/type/simple/simple/style.n2less] => Array ( [sliderid] => ~'#n2-ss-3' [width] => 1200px [height] => 600px [canvas] => 0 [count] => 2 [margin] => 0px 0px 0px 0px [hasPerspective] => 1 [perspective] => 1000px [backgroundSize] => cover [backgroundAttachment] => scroll [borderRadius] => 0px [paddingt] => 0px [paddingr] => 0px [paddingb] => 0px [paddingl] => 0px [border] => 0px [borderrgba] => RGBA(62,62,62,1) [borderhex] => #3E3E3E [inner1height] => 600px [canvaswidth] => 1200px [canvasheight] => 600px ) [/plugins/widgetarrow/image/image/style.n2less] => Array ( [sliderid] => n2-ss-3 ) [/plugins/widgetbullet/transition/transition/style.n2less] => Array ( [sliderid] => n2-ss-3 ) ) [css] => Array ( [0] => div#n2-ss-3 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[verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) ) [controls] => N2SmartSliderFeatureControls Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureControls:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [mousewheel:N2SmartSliderFeatureControls:private] => 0 [drag] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => N2SmartSliderFeatureLazyLoad Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureLazyLoad:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 [neighborCount] => 0 [layerImageOptimize] => [layerImageTablet] => 0.5 [layerImageMobile] => 0.3 [layerImageSizeBase64] => [layerImageSizeBase64Size] => 5120 ) [align] => N2SmartSliderFeatureAlign Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureAlign:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [align] => normal ) [blockRightClick] => N2SmartSliderFeatureBlockRightClick Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureBlockRightClick:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) [autoplay] => N2SmartSliderFeatureAutoplay Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureAutoplay:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 1 [isStart] => 1 [duration] => 5000 [interval] => 0 [intervalModifier] => loop [intervalSlide] => current [allowReStart] => 0 [stopOnClick] => 1 [stopOnMouseEnter] => 1 [stopOnMediaStarted] => 1 [resumeOnMouseLeave] => 0 [resumeOnMediaEnded] => 1 [resumeOnSlideChanged] => 0 [stopOnMouse] => 0 [resumeOnClick] => 0 [resumeOnMouse] => 0 ) [translateUrl] => N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [from] => [to] => ) [layerMode] => N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [slideBackground] => N2SmartSliderFeatureSlideBackground Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureSlideBackground:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* ) [postBackgroundAnimation] => [focus] => N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [focusOffsetTop:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => #wpadminbar [focusOffsetBottom:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => ) [loadSpinner] => N2SmartSliderFeatureSpinner Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureSpinner:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* ) [optimize] => N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [optimize:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 0 [thumbnailWidth:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 100 [thumbnailHeight:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 60 [quality:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 70 [backgroundImageCustom] => 0 [backgroundImageWidth] => 800 [backgroundImageHeight] => 600 ) [margin] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [margin] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 ) ) [maintainSession] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) ) ) ) [_storageEngine:protected] => database [isExtended:N2CacheManifestSlider:private] => [isRaw:N2CacheManifest:private] => [manifestData:N2CacheManifest:private] => [group:protected] => n2-ss-3 [isAccessible:protected] => [storage] => N2CacheStorageDatabase Object ( [db:protected] => N2StorageSection Object ( [application:N2StorageSection:private] => cache [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [paths:protected] => Array ( [web] => web [notweb] => notweb [image] => image ) ) ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/libraries/slider/cache/slider.php [line] => 48 [function] => makeCache [class] => N2CacheManifest [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => slideren_US1 [1] => [2] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderManager Object ( [hasError:N2SmartSliderManager:private] => [usage:protected] => WordPress Shortcode [slider] => N2SmartSlider Object ( [manifestData] => Array ( [generator] => Array ( ) ) [isGroup:protected] => [sliderId] => 3 [cacheId] => n2-ss-3 [data] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [id] => 3 [alias] => [title] => Demo Slider - Free Static [type] => simple [params] => 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[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [allEnabledSlides:protected] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 5 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-22 14:04:23 [publish_down] => 2030-04-23 14:04:23 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 680 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitmaxwidth] => 560 [tabletportraitpadding] => 10|*|50|*|10|*|50|*|px+ [mobileportraitpadding] => 75|*|30|*|75|*|30|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|20|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 70 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 1 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjYwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ1JvYm90byBTbGFiJyxBcmlhbCIsImxpbmVoZWlnaHQiOiIxLjQiLCJ3ZWlnaHQiOjQwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiY2VudGVyIiwibGV0dGVyc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsIndvcmRzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwidGV4dHRyYW5zZm9ybSI6Im5vbmUifSx7ImV4dHJhIjoiIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 90 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjIwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ01vbnRzZXJyYXQnLEFyaWFsIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuMiIsIndlaWdodCI6NDAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoidXBwZXJjYXNlIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 40 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 20 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 0 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 0 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 0 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Static Slide [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [thumbnailType] => default [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 1 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] => [isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] => [visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( ) [context:protected] => [index] => -1 [attributes] => Array ( ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1903183463 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 6 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885908.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 6 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-6 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901800901 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 7 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-03 14:52:42 [publish_down] => 2030-04-04 14:52:42 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 2 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic2.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [maximumSlideCount:protected] => 20 ) [slides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 6 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885908.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 6 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-6 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901800901 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 7 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-03 14:52:42 [publish_down] => 2030-04-04 14:52:42 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 2 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic2.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [firstSlideIndex] => 0 [device:protected] => [assets] => N2SmartSliderCSSSimple Object ( [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [sizes] => Array ( [marginVertical] => 0 [marginHorizontal] => 0 [width] => 1200 [height] => 600 [canvasWidth] => 1200 [canvasHeight] => 600 ) [context:protected] => Array ( [sliderid] => ~'#n2-ss-3' [width] => 1200px [height] => 600px [canvas] => 0 [count] => 2 [margin] => 0px 0px 0px 0px [hasPerspective] => 1 [perspective] => 1000px [backgroundSize] => cover [backgroundAttachment] => scroll [borderRadius] => 0px [paddingt] => 0px [paddingr] => 0px [paddingb] => 0px [paddingl] => 0px [border] => 0px [borderrgba] => RGBA(62,62,62,1) [borderhex] => #3E3E3E [inner1height] => 600px [canvaswidth] => 1200px [canvasheight] => 600px ) ) [cache:protected] => [staticSlides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 5 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-22 14:04:23 [publish_down] => 2030-04-23 14:04:23 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 680 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitmaxwidth] => 560 [tabletportraitpadding] => 10|*|50|*|10|*|50|*|px+ [mobileportraitpadding] => 75|*|30|*|75|*|30|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|20|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 70 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => 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[desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 90 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjIwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ01vbnRzZXJyYXQnLEFyaWFsIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuMiIsIndlaWdodCI6NDAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoidXBwZXJjYXNlIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 40 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 20 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 0 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 0 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 0 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Static Slide [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [thumbnailType] => default [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 1 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] => [isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] => [visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( ) [context:protected] => [index] => -1 [attributes] => Array ( ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1903183463 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [sliderType:protected] => N2SmartSliderTypeSimple Object ( [backgroundAnimation:N2SmartSliderTypeSimple:private] => [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [jsDependency:protected] => Array ( [0] => nextend-frontend [1] => smartslider-frontend ) [javaScriptProperties:protected] => Array ( [admin] => [translate3d] => 1 [callbacks] => [background.video.mobile] => 1 [randomize] => Array ( [randomize] => 0 [randomizeFirst] => 0 ) [align] => normal [isDelayed] => 0 [load] => Array ( [fade] => 1 [scroll] => 0 ) [playWhenVisible] => 1 [playWhenVisibleAt] => 0.5 [responsive] => Array ( [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [onResizeEnabled] => 1 [type] => auto [downscale] => 1 [upscale] => 1 [minimumHeight] => 0 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=> Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) [mobileLandscape] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) ) [verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) [minimumFontSizes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 4 [desktopLandscape] => 4 [tabletPortrait] => 4 [tabletLandscape] => 4 [mobilePortrait] => 4 [mobileLandscape] => 4 ) [ratioToDevice] => Array ( [Portrait] => Array ( [tablet] => 0.7 [mobile] => 0.5 ) [Landscape] => Array ( [tablet] => 0 [mobile] => 0 ) ) [sliderWidthToDevice] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1200 [desktopLandscape] => 1200 [tabletPortrait] => 840 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 600 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [basedOn] => combined [orientationMode] => width_and_height [overflowHiddenPage] => 0 [desktopPortraitScreenWidth] => 1200 [tabletPortraitScreenWidth] => 800 [mobilePortraitScreenWidth] => 440 [tabletLandscapeScreenWidth] => 800 [mobileLandscapeScreenWidth] => 440 [focus] => Array ( [offsetTop] => #wpadminbar [offsetBottom] => ) ) [controls] => Array ( [mousewheel] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => 0 [lazyLoadNeighbor] => 0 [blockrightclick] => 0 [maintainSession] => 0 [autoplay] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [start] => 1 [duration] => 5000 [autoplayToSlide] => -1 [autoplayToSlideIndex] => -1 [allowReStart] => 0 [pause] => Array ( [click] => 1 [mouse] => 0 [mediaStarted] => 1 ) [resume] => Array ( [click] => 0 [mouse] => 0 [mediaEnded] => 1 [slidechanged] => 0 ) ) [perspective] => 1000 [layerMode] => Array ( [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [initCallbacks] => Array ( [0] => [1] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetArrowImage(this, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5); [2] => [3] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetBulletTransition(this, {"overlay":1,"area":12,"dotClasses":"n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot ","mode":"","action":"click"}); ) [allowBGImageAttachmentFixed] => [bgAnimationsColor] => RGBA(51,51,51,1) [bgAnimations] => 0 [mainanimation] => Array ( [type] => horizontal [duration] => 400 [delay] => 0 [ease] => easeOutQuad [parallax] => 0 [shiftedBackgroundAnimation] => 0 ) [carousel] => 1 [dynamicHeight] => 0 ) [widgets:protected] => N2SmartSliderWidgets Object ( [enabledWidgets] => Array ( [arrow] => N2SSPluginWidgetArrowImageSmallRectangle Object ( [name:protected] => imageSmallRectangle [ordering] => 1 ) [bullet] => N2SSPluginWidgetBulletTransition Object ( [name:protected] => transition [ordering] => 1 ) ) [widgets] => Array ( [previous] =>
previous arrow
[next] =>
next arrow
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located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

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[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [allEnabledSlides:protected] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 5 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-22 14:04:23 [publish_down] => 2030-04-23 14:04:23 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 680 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitmaxwidth] => 560 [tabletportraitpadding] => 10|*|50|*|10|*|50|*|px+ [mobileportraitpadding] => 75|*|30|*|75|*|30|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|20|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 70 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 1 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjYwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ1JvYm90byBTbGFiJyxBcmlhbCIsImxpbmVoZWlnaHQiOiIxLjQiLCJ3ZWlnaHQiOjQwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiY2VudGVyIiwibGV0dGVyc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsIndvcmRzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwidGV4dHRyYW5zZm9ybSI6Im5vbmUifSx7ImV4dHJhIjoiIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 90 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjIwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ01vbnRzZXJyYXQnLEFyaWFsIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuMiIsIndlaWdodCI6NDAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoidXBwZXJjYXNlIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 40 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 20 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 0 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 0 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 0 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Static Slide [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [thumbnailType] => default [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 1 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] => [isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] => [visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( ) [context:protected] => [index] => -1 [attributes] => Array ( ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1903183463 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 6 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885908.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 6 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-6 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901800901 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 7 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-03 14:52:42 [publish_down] => 2030-04-04 14:52:42 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 2 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic2.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [maximumSlideCount:protected] => 20 ) [slides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 6 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:01:41 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:01:41 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic1.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885908.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 6 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-6 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901800901 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 7 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-03 14:52:42 [publish_down] => 2030-04-04 14:52:42 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 2 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider3/freestatic2.jpeg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => off [backgroundColorEnd] => ffffff00 [backgroundColorOverlay] => 1 [backgroundMode] => fill [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>
[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 2 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 7 [data-title] => Slide 2 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-7 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901544762 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [firstSlideIndex] => 0 [device:protected] => [assets] => N2SmartSliderCSSSimple Object ( [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [sizes] => Array ( [marginVertical] => 0 [marginHorizontal] => 0 [width] => 1200 [height] => 600 [canvasWidth] => 1200 [canvasHeight] => 600 ) [context:protected] => Array ( [sliderid] => ~'#n2-ss-3' [width] => 1200px [height] => 600px [canvas] => 0 [count] => 2 [margin] => 0px 0px 0px 0px [hasPerspective] => 1 [perspective] => 1000px [backgroundSize] => cover [backgroundAttachment] => scroll [borderRadius] => 0px [paddingt] => 0px [paddingr] => 0px [paddingb] => 0px [paddingl] => 0px [border] => 0px [borderrgba] => RGBA(62,62,62,1) [borderhex] => #3E3E3E [inner1height] => 600px [canvaswidth] => 1200px [canvasheight] => 600px ) ) [cache:protected] => [staticSlides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 5 [slider] => 3 [publish_up] => 2020-04-22 14:04:23 [publish_down] => 2030-04-23 14:04:23 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 680 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|10|*|10|*|10|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitmaxwidth] => 560 [tabletportraitpadding] => 10|*|50|*|10|*|50|*|px+ [mobileportraitpadding] => 75|*|30|*|75|*|30|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|20|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 70 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => ATLANTA BODY INSTITUTE [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 1 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjYwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ1JvYm90byBTbGFiJyxBcmlhbCIsImxpbmVoZWlnaHQiOiIxLjQiLCJ3ZWlnaHQiOjQwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiY2VudGVyIiwibGV0dGVyc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsIndvcmRzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwidGV4dHRyYW5zZm9ybSI6Im5vbmUifSx7ImV4dHJhIjoiIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [tabletportraitfontsize] => 90 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 0 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjIwfHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiJ01vbnRzZXJyYXQnLEFyaWFsIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuMiIsIndlaWdodCI6NDAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoidXBwZXJjYXNlIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 40 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 20 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 0 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 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[mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [opened] => 0 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => flex-start [colwidth] => 1/2 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Static Slide [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/2020/04/1885858.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [thumbnailType] => default [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 1 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] => [isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] => [visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( ) [context:protected] => [index] => -1 [attributes] => Array ( ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1903183463 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [sliderType:protected] => N2SmartSliderTypeSimple Object ( [backgroundAnimation:N2SmartSliderTypeSimple:private] => [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [jsDependency:protected] => Array ( [0] => nextend-frontend [1] => smartslider-frontend ) [javaScriptProperties:protected] => Array ( [admin] => [translate3d] => 1 [callbacks] => [background.video.mobile] => 1 [randomize] => Array ( [randomize] => 0 [randomizeFirst] => 0 ) [align] => normal [isDelayed] => 0 [load] => Array ( [fade] => 1 [scroll] => 0 ) [playWhenVisible] => 1 [playWhenVisibleAt] => 0.5 [responsive] => Array ( [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [onResizeEnabled] => 1 [type] => auto [downscale] => 1 [upscale] => 1 [minimumHeight] => 0 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=> Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) [mobileLandscape] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) ) [verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) [minimumFontSizes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 4 [desktopLandscape] => 4 [tabletPortrait] => 4 [tabletLandscape] => 4 [mobilePortrait] => 4 [mobileLandscape] => 4 ) [ratioToDevice] => Array ( [Portrait] => Array ( [tablet] => 0.7 [mobile] => 0.5 ) [Landscape] => Array ( [tablet] => 0 [mobile] => 0 ) ) [sliderWidthToDevice] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1200 [desktopLandscape] => 1200 [tabletPortrait] => 840 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 600 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [basedOn] => combined [orientationMode] => width_and_height [overflowHiddenPage] => 0 [desktopPortraitScreenWidth] => 1200 [tabletPortraitScreenWidth] => 800 [mobilePortraitScreenWidth] => 440 [tabletLandscapeScreenWidth] => 800 [mobileLandscapeScreenWidth] => 440 [focus] => Array ( [offsetTop] => #wpadminbar [offsetBottom] => ) ) [controls] => Array ( [mousewheel] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => 0 [lazyLoadNeighbor] => 0 [blockrightclick] => 0 [maintainSession] => 0 [autoplay] => Array ( [enabled] => 1 [start] => 1 [duration] => 5000 [autoplayToSlide] => -1 [autoplayToSlideIndex] => -1 [allowReStart] => 0 [pause] => Array ( [click] => 1 [mouse] => 0 [mediaStarted] => 1 ) [resume] => Array ( [click] => 0 [mouse] => 0 [mediaEnded] => 1 [slidechanged] => 0 ) ) [perspective] => 1000 [layerMode] => Array ( [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [initCallbacks] => Array ( [0] => [1] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetArrowImage(this, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5); [2] => [3] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetBulletTransition(this, {"overlay":1,"area":12,"dotClasses":"n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot ","mode":"","action":"click"}); ) [allowBGImageAttachmentFixed] => [bgAnimationsColor] => RGBA(51,51,51,1) [bgAnimations] => 0 [mainanimation] => Array ( [type] => horizontal [duration] => 400 [delay] => 0 [ease] => easeOutQuad [parallax] => 0 [shiftedBackgroundAnimation] => 0 ) [carousel] => 1 [dynamicHeight] => 0 ) [widgets:protected] => N2SmartSliderWidgets Object ( [enabledWidgets] => Array ( [arrow] => N2SSPluginWidgetArrowImageSmallRectangle Object ( [name:protected] => imageSmallRectangle [ordering] => 1 ) [bullet] => N2SSPluginWidgetBulletTransition Object ( [name:protected] => transition [ordering] => 1 ) ) [widgets] => Array ( [previous] =>
previous arrow
[next] =>
next arrow
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located in Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

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[time] => 2020-04-04 14:44:40 [thumbnail] => $upload$/slider3/freestaticthumb.png [ordering] => 0 ) [exposeSlideData] => Array ( [title] => 1 [description] => [thumbnail] => [thumbnailType] => ) [isAdmin] => [less] => Array ( [/plugins/type/simple/simple/style.n2less] => Array ( [sliderid] => ~'#n2-ss-3' [width] => 1200px [height] => 600px [canvas] => 0 [count] => 2 [margin] => 0px 0px 0px 0px [hasPerspective] => 1 [perspective] => 1000px [backgroundSize] => cover [backgroundAttachment] => scroll [borderRadius] => 0px [paddingt] => 0px [paddingr] => 0px [paddingb] => 0px [paddingl] => 0px [border] => 0px [borderrgba] => RGBA(62,62,62,1) [borderhex] => #3E3E3E [inner1height] => 600px [canvaswidth] => 1200px [canvasheight] => 600px ) [/plugins/widgetarrow/image/image/style.n2less] => Array ( [sliderid] => n2-ss-3 ) [/plugins/widgetbullet/transition/transition/style.n2less] => Array ( [sliderid] => n2-ss-3 ) ) [css] => Array ( [0] => div#n2-ss-3 .n2-font-07fc3e0b508ec0c7320aefb61ebc2f27-hover{font-family: 'Roboto Slab','Arial';color: #ffffff;font-size:375%;text-shadow: none;line-height: 1.4;font-weight: normal;font-style: normal;text-decoration: none;text-align: center;letter-spacing: normal;word-spacing: normal;text-transform: none;font-weight: 400;} [1] => div#n2-ss-3 .n2-font-7811ef9735a1255b89bb2abcdfb2a697-hover{font-family: 'Montserrat','Arial';color: #ffffff;font-size:125%;text-shadow: none;line-height: 1.2;font-weight: normal;font-style: normal;text-decoration: none;text-align: center;letter-spacing: normal;word-spacing: normal;text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 400;} [2] => div#n2-ss-3 .n2-style-b9477e5c6dadd651a99197a1a81d1613-heading{background: #000000;background: RGBA(0,0,0,0.67);opacity:1;padding:2px 2px 2px 2px ;box-shadow: none;border-width: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: #000000; border-color: RGBA(0,0,0,1);border-radius:3px;}div#n2-ss-3 .n2-style-b9477e5c6dadd651a99197a1a81d1613-heading:Hover, div#n2-ss-3 .n2-style-b9477e5c6dadd651a99197a1a81d1613-heading:ACTIVE, div#n2-ss-3 .n2-style-b9477e5c6dadd651a99197a1a81d1613-heading:FOCUS{background: #21bbd7;} [3] => div#n2-ss-3 .n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot{background: #000000;background: RGBA(0,0,0,0.67);opacity:1;padding:5px 5px 5px 5px ;box-shadow: none;border-width: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: #000000; border-color: RGBA(0,0,0,1);border-radius:50px;margin: 4px;}div#n2-ss-3 .n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot.n2-active, div#n2-ss-3 .n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot:HOVER, div#n2-ss-3 .n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot:FOCUS{background: #21bbd7;} ) [elementId] => n2-ss-3 [images:protected] => Array ( [0] => //www.atlantabodyinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/1885908.jpg [1] => //www.atlantabodyinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/1885858.jpg ) [fontCache:N2SmartSliderRenderableAbstract:private] => Array ( [f38b1361ddf7ea32d1761d0d386e0ec6] => n2-font-07fc3e0b508ec0c7320aefb61ebc2f27-hover [d14948b636c512ca6f34760b20eabf58] => n2-font-7811ef9735a1255b89bb2abcdfb2a697-hover ) [styleCache:N2SmartSliderRenderableAbstract:private] => Array ( [0d7fd816030de420dec2a7d33beff121] => [87ac4252bfbb17650f82b0badde0f734] => n2-style-b9477e5c6dadd651a99197a1a81d1613-heading [82f50f5d815566e019ca5133f8405605] => n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot [9de3cf97d8f66ddb66909f47e7d4703a] => ) [initCallbacks] => Array ( [0] => [1] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetArrowImage(this, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5); [2] => [3] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetBulletTransition(this, {"overlay":1,"area":12,"dotClasses":"n2-style-51e1bf83c27375e48fb128cf259087b0-dot ","mode":"","action":"click"}); ) [addedScriptResources] => Array ( ) [features] => N2SmartSliderFeatures Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatures:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [allowBGImageAttachmentFixed] => [fadeOnLoad] => N2SmartSliderFeatureFadeOnLoad Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureFadeOnLoad:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [fadeOnLoad] => 1 [fadeOnScroll] => 0 [playWhenVisible] => 1 [playWhenVisibleAt] => 0.5 [placeholderColor] => RGBA(255,255,255,0) [customSpinner] => [placeholderBackground] => ) [responsive] => N2SmartSliderFeatureResponsive Object ( [slider] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [onResizeEnabled] => 1 [type] => auto [scaleDown] => 1 [scaleUp] => 1 [forceFull] => 0 [forceFullOverflowX] => body [forceFullHorizontalSelector] => [constrainRatio] => 1 [minimumHeight] => 0 [maximumHeight] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidth] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTablet] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTabletLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobile] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobileLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthConstrainHeight] => 0 [sliderHeightBasedOn] => real [responsiveDecreaseSliderHeight] => 0 [basedOn] => combined [desktopPortraitScreenWidth] => 1200 [tabletPortraitScreenWidth] => 800 [mobilePortraitScreenWidth] => 440 [tabletLandscapeScreenWidth] => 800 [mobileLandscapeScreenWidth] => 440 [focusUser] => 1 [focusEdge] => auto [orientationMode] => width_and_height [responsivePlugin] => N2SSPluginResponsiveAuto Object ( [name:protected] => auto [ordering] => 1 ) [modes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 0 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [sliderWidthToDevice] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1200 [desktopLandscape] => 1200 [tabletPortrait] => 840 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 600 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [sliderRatioToDevice] => Array ( [Portrait] => Array ( [tablet] => 0.7 [mobile] => 0.5 ) [Landscape] => Array ( [tablet] => 0 [mobile] => 0 ) ) [minimumFontSizes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 4 [desktopLandscape] => 4 [tabletPortrait] => 4 [tabletLandscape] => 4 [mobilePortrait] => 4 [mobileLandscape] => 4 ) [verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) ) [controls] => N2SmartSliderFeatureControls Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureControls:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [mousewheel:N2SmartSliderFeatureControls:private] => 0 [drag] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => N2SmartSliderFeatureLazyLoad Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureLazyLoad:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 [neighborCount] => 0 [layerImageOptimize] => [layerImageTablet] => 0.5 [layerImageMobile] => 0.3 [layerImageSizeBase64] => [layerImageSizeBase64Size] => 5120 ) [align] => N2SmartSliderFeatureAlign Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureAlign:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [align] => normal ) [blockRightClick] => N2SmartSliderFeatureBlockRightClick Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureBlockRightClick:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) [autoplay] => N2SmartSliderFeatureAutoplay Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureAutoplay:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 1 [isStart] => 1 [duration] => 5000 [interval] => 0 [intervalModifier] => loop [intervalSlide] => current [allowReStart] => 0 [stopOnClick] => 1 [stopOnMouseEnter] => 1 [stopOnMediaStarted] => 1 [resumeOnMouseLeave] => 0 [resumeOnMediaEnded] => 1 [resumeOnSlideChanged] => 0 [stopOnMouse] => 0 [resumeOnClick] => 0 [resumeOnMouse] => 0 ) [translateUrl] => N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [from] => [to] => ) [layerMode] => N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [slideBackground] => N2SmartSliderFeatureSlideBackground Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureSlideBackground:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* ) [postBackgroundAnimation] => [focus] => N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [focusOffsetTop:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => #wpadminbar [focusOffsetBottom:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => ) [loadSpinner] => N2SmartSliderFeatureSpinner Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureSpinner:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* ) [optimize] => N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [optimize:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 0 [thumbnailWidth:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 100 [thumbnailHeight:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 60 [quality:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 70 [backgroundImageCustom] => 0 [backgroundImageWidth] => 800 [backgroundImageHeight] => 600 ) [margin] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [margin] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 ) ) [maintainSession] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) ) ) [nextCacheRefresh] => ) [1] => renderCachedSlider ) ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/libraries/slider/manager.php [line] => 68 [function] => cacheSlider [class] => N2SmartSliderManager [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/controllers/home/views/wordpress.phtml [line] => 7 [function] => render [class] => N2SmartSliderManager [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/layout.php [line] => 148 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/controllers/home/views/wordpress.phtml ) [function] => include ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/layout.php [line] => 115 [function] => renderInline [class] => N2Layout [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/controllers/home/views/wordpress.phtml [1] => Array ( [sliderid] => 3 [usage] => WordPress Shortcode [_class] => ) [2] => [3] => 1 ) ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/layouts/default.phtml [line] => 4 [function] => renderFragmentBlock [class] => N2Layout [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => nextend_content ) ) [13] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/layout.php [line] => 73 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/layouts/default.phtml ) [function] => include ) [14] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/layout.php [line] => 106 [function] => renderLayout [class] => N2Layout [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => Array ( ) ) ) [15] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/controller.php [line] => 82 [function] => render [class] => N2Layout [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( ) [1] => default ) ) [16] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/controllers/home/home.php [line] => 27 [function] => render [class] => N2ControllerAbstract [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [17] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/application/type.php [line] => 119 [function] => actionWordpress [class] => N2SmartSliderFrontendHomeController [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => WordPress Shortcode ) ) [18] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/application/type.php [line] => 192 [function] => run [class] => N2ApplicationType [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [controller] => home [action] => wordpress [useRequest] => ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => WordPress Shortcode ) ) ) [19] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/includes/shortcode.php [line] => 173 [function] => render [class] => N2ApplicationType [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [controller] => home [action] => wordpress [useRequest] => ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => WordPress Shortcode ) ) ) [20] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/includes/shortcode.php [line] => 45 [function] => render [class] => N2SS3Shortcode [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 56ac0d9909abcf4ea7c8c7c706379130 [slider] => 3 [logged_in] => [role] => [cap] => [page] => [lang] => [slide] => [get] => ) ) ) [21] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/shortcodes.php [line] => 433 [function] => doShortcode [class] => N2SS3Shortcode [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [slider] => 3 ) [1] => [2] => smartslider3 ) ) [22] => Array ( [function] => do_shortcode_tag [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => [smartslider3 slider=3] [1] => [2] => smartslider3 [3] => slider=3 [4] => [5] => [6] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/shortcodes.php [line] => 273 [function] => preg_replace_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /\[(\[?)(smartslider3)(?![\w-])([^\]\/]*(?:\/(?!\])[^\]\/]*)*?)(?:(\/)\]|\](?:([^\[]*+(?:\[(?!\/\2\])[^\[]*+)*+)\[\/\2\])?)(\]?)/ [1] => do_shortcode_tag [2] => [smartslider3 slider=3] ) ) [24] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/widgets/shortcode.php [line] => 130 [function] => do_shortcode [args] => Array ( [0] => [smartslider3 slider=3] ) ) [25] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/widget-base.php [line] => 531 [function] => render [class] => Elementor\Widget_Shortcode [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [26] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/widget-base.php [line] => 661 [function] => render_content [class] => Elementor\Widget_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [27] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/element-base.php [line] => 668 [function] => _print_content [class] => Elementor\Widget_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [28] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/element-base.php [line] => 884 [function] => print_element [class] => Elementor\Element_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [29] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/element-base.php [line] => 668 [function] => _print_content [class] => Elementor\Element_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [30] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/element-base.php [line] => 884 [function] => print_element [class] => Elementor\Element_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [31] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/element-base.php [line] => 668 [function] => _print_content [class] => Elementor\Element_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [32] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/base/document.php [line] => 1180 [function] => print_element [class] => Elementor\Element_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [33] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/base/document.php [line] => 827 [function] => print_elements [class] => Elementor\Core\Base\Document [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c51a3e9 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #dddddd [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [background_overlay_background] => gradient [background_overlay_color] => rgba(41,112,225,0.5) [background_overlay_opacity] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 1 ) [background_position] => center center [background_attachment] => scroll [background_repeat] => no-repeat [background_size] => cover [background_overlay_color_b] => #172d68 [background_overlay_gradient_angle] => Array ( [unit] => deg [size] => 270 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 300 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 70 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [stretch_section] => section-stretched [layout] => full_width [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 0 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [custom_height_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 179 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [margin_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5a40d5e [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [_inline_size_tablet] => 75 [_inline_size_mobile] => 100 [margin_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => ec813b7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [shortcode] => [smartslider3 slider=3] [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => shortcode ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 4699e96 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 228 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [layout] => full_width ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f12b8f0 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #2E2828 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 71 [spread] => 0 [color] => #0A0909 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5299066 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

[align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 60 [right] => 60 [bottom] => 60 [left] => 60 [isLinked] => 1 ) [_background_background] => classic [_background_color] => #BCE2E2 [header_size] => h3 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 4a9f9ce [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6b87e41 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6d960fe [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/1790202.png [id] => 779 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 4fdddde [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6d434d3 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [tabs] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tab_title] => About Practice [tab_content] => The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice. 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=> Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/gastric-balloon-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4160da6 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 40 [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8aecb18 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => 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Array ( [id] => d9399de [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 446d577 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46329.png [id] => 802 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2dda1d6 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Varicose Vein Treatment [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => e82d690 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/varicose-vein-treatment-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 31c65de [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1e91cb8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array 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=> h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [4] => Array ( [id] => b70d851 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 21a2212 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6157abe [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR MISSION [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => b902042 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 4b6c4be [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 66e5d3f [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 58ff07c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f70f899 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR VISION [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9d94c26 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 213dd89 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [6] => Array ( [id] => ec595fe [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => dfa3f6c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 0227186 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR VALUES [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7984414 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 400a3c7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [7] => Array ( [id] => d93425b [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => ff6c630 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 08975fb [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => ead9145 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 33e51d8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [social_icon_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-facebook [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => 8683455 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [1] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-twitter [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => bd6ea61 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [2] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-youtube [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => 2ed7d02 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [3] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-linkedin [library] => fa-brands ) [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => [_id] => 8849cb9 ) ) [shape] => circle ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => social-icons ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 0f1b0c4 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 30 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => db73692 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 4186932 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2072168.jpg [id] => 626 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/what-to-expect-during-a-leep-procedure/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 356bef5 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => 5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 5ce6bc5 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => a042659 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 4936fd6 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2022448.jpg [id] => 811 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/how-labiaplasty-can-change-your-life/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 69f2072 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => f69ea5e [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6a985ba [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 41a255b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2011998.jpg [id] => 812 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/how-to-prepare-for-your-cystoscopy/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => c1359f1 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk? [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => c83eda7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [9] => Array ( [id] => bef0a79 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => d576510 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c1a2550 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [shortcode] => [smartslider3 slider=4] ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => shortcode ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 0e0c5b0 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 2f0fc1a [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [background_background] => classic ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 25f4700 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] =>
[header_size] => h6 [align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 7 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => ed4193c [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] =>

Choose your preferred location

[align] => center [header_size] => h3 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7e38574 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 30 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 64d1779 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => b10e315 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 371 East Paces Ferry Rd NE, Suite 400 Atlanta, GA 30305 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => f292776 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5414675 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 10 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5b359e8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 367 Atlanta Hwy, Loganville, GA 30052 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => dc1c91a [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2b2db3b [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c6d7749 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 3540 Duluth Park Ln NW #290 Duluth, GA 30096 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => b60da4b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 544e8a2 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c4b5e2c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 980c541 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => d34e4cd [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) ) ) ) [34] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/frontend.php [line] => 925 [function] => print_elements_with_wrapper [class] => Elementor\Core\Base\Document [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c51a3e9 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #dddddd [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [background_overlay_background] => gradient [background_overlay_color] => rgba(41,112,225,0.5) [background_overlay_opacity] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 1 ) [background_position] => center center [background_attachment] => scroll [background_repeat] => no-repeat [background_size] => cover [background_overlay_color_b] => #172d68 [background_overlay_gradient_angle] => Array ( [unit] => deg [size] => 270 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 300 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 70 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [stretch_section] => section-stretched [layout] => full_width [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 0 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [custom_height_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 179 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [margin_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5a40d5e [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [_inline_size_tablet] => 75 [_inline_size_mobile] => 100 [margin_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => ec813b7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [shortcode] => [smartslider3 slider=3] [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => shortcode ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 4699e96 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 228 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [layout] => full_width ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f12b8f0 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #2E2828 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 71 [spread] => 0 [color] => #0A0909 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5299066 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

[align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 60 [right] => 60 [bottom] => 60 [left] => 60 [isLinked] => 1 ) [_background_background] => classic [_background_color] => #BCE2E2 [header_size] => h3 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 4a9f9ce [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6b87e41 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6d960fe [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/1790202.png [id] => 779 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 4fdddde [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6d434d3 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [tabs] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tab_title] => About Practice [tab_content] => The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice. [_id] => eba6de7 ) ) [content_typography_typography] => custom ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => toggle ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4a18644 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f3e6bb1 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [background_background] => classic ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f239d09 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => [header_size] => h6 [align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 7 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => a238bb4 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Our Services [align] => center [header_size] => h3 [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9a74299 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 40 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8e91056 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f3b70dc [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46324.png [id] => 807 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 56cb745 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Tubal Ligation & Reversal​ [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => bca7603 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/tubal-ligation-and-reversal-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 546d1b7 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => b5c552b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46325.png [id] => 806 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 79e17b3 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Hysterectomy & Myomectomy [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => a31a5ed [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/hysterectomy-and-myomectomy-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => b0f17ed [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f4ced5c [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46326.png [id] => 805 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => a89157d [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 0a0460a [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/weight-regain-after-gastric-bypass-sleeve-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 2265370 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => fe0a9da [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46327.png [id] => 804 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7c34714 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Gastric Balloon [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 0963b31 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/gastric-balloon-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4160da6 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 40 [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8aecb18 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c87cc40 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46328.png [id] => 803 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 0d83449 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Gastric Sleeve [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 201cc9c [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/gastric-sleeve-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => d9399de [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 446d577 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46329.png [id] => 802 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2dda1d6 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Varicose Vein Treatment [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => e82d690 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/varicose-vein-treatment-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 31c65de [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1e91cb8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/47514.png [id] => 801 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 104073b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Acid Reflux [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7de1915 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/acid-reflux-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 46be425 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => d16eb9d [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/47515.png [id] => 800 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 669211e [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Same Day Surgery [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 0873537 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [4] => Array ( [id] => b70d851 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 21a2212 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6157abe [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR MISSION [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => b902042 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 4b6c4be [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 66e5d3f [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 58ff07c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f70f899 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR VISION [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9d94c26 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 213dd89 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [6] => Array ( [id] => ec595fe [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => dfa3f6c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 0227186 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR VALUES [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7984414 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 400a3c7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [7] => Array ( [id] => d93425b [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => ff6c630 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 08975fb [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => ead9145 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 33e51d8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [social_icon_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-facebook [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => 8683455 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [1] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-twitter [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => bd6ea61 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [2] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-youtube [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => 2ed7d02 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [3] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-linkedin [library] => fa-brands ) [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => [_id] => 8849cb9 ) ) [shape] => circle ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => social-icons ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 0f1b0c4 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 30 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => db73692 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 4186932 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2072168.jpg [id] => 626 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/what-to-expect-during-a-leep-procedure/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 356bef5 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => 5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 5ce6bc5 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => a042659 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 4936fd6 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2022448.jpg [id] => 811 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/how-labiaplasty-can-change-your-life/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 69f2072 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => f69ea5e [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6a985ba [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 41a255b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2011998.jpg [id] => 812 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/how-to-prepare-for-your-cystoscopy/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => c1359f1 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk? [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => c83eda7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [9] => Array ( [id] => bef0a79 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => d576510 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c1a2550 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [shortcode] => [smartslider3 slider=4] ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => shortcode ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 0e0c5b0 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 2f0fc1a [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [background_background] => classic ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 25f4700 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] =>
[header_size] => h6 [align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 7 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => ed4193c [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] =>

Choose your preferred location

[align] => center [header_size] => h3 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7e38574 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 30 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 64d1779 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => b10e315 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 371 East Paces Ferry Rd NE, Suite 400 Atlanta, GA 30305 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => f292776 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5414675 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 10 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5b359e8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 367 Atlanta Hwy, Loganville, GA 30052 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => dc1c91a [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2b2db3b [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c6d7749 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 3540 Duluth Park Ln NW #290 Duluth, GA 30096 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => b60da4b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 544e8a2 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c4b5e2c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 980c541 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => d34e4cd [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) ) ) ) [35] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/frontend.php [line] => 843 [function] => get_builder_content [class] => Elementor\Frontend [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 319 ) ) [36] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line] => 324 [function] => apply_builder_in_content [class] => Elementor\Frontend [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [smartslider3 slider=3]

Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

About Practice The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice.

Our Services

Tubal Ligation & Reversal​


Hysterectomy & Myomectomy


Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve


Gastric Balloon


Gastric Sleeve


Varicose Vein Treatment


Acid Reflux


Same Day Surgery



High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome


Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin

5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk?

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause. [smartslider3 slider=4]

Choose your preferred location

Request Appointment Request Appointment Request Appointment ) ) [37] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/plugin.php [line] => 205 [function] => apply_filters [class] => WP_Hook [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [smartslider3 slider=3]

Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

About Practice The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice.

Our Services

Tubal Ligation & Reversal​


Hysterectomy & Myomectomy


Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve


Gastric Balloon


Gastric Sleeve


Varicose Vein Treatment


Acid Reflux


Same Day Surgery



High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome


Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin

5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk?

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause. [smartslider3 slider=4]

Choose your preferred location

Request Appointment Request Appointment Request Appointment [1] => Array ( [0] => [smartslider3 slider=3]

Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

About Practice The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice.

Our Services

Tubal Ligation & Reversal​


Hysterectomy & Myomectomy


Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve


Gastric Balloon


Gastric Sleeve


Varicose Vein Treatment


Acid Reflux


Same Day Surgery



High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome


Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin

5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk?

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause. [smartslider3 slider=4]

Choose your preferred location

Request Appointment Request Appointment Request Appointment ) ) ) [38] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/post-template.php [line] => 256 [function] => apply_filters [args] => Array ( [0] => the_content [1] => [smartslider3 slider=3]

Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

About Practice The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice.

Our Services

Tubal Ligation & Reversal​


Hysterectomy & Myomectomy


Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve


Gastric Balloon


Gastric Sleeve


Varicose Vein Treatment


Acid Reflux


Same Day Surgery



High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome


Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin

5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk?

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause. [smartslider3 slider=4]

Choose your preferred location

Request Appointment Request Appointment Request Appointment ) ) [39] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/template-parts/content-page.php [line] => 59 [function] => the_content [args] => Array ( ) ) [40] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/template.php [line] => 792 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/template-parts/content-page.php ) [function] => require ) [41] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/template.php [line] => 725 [function] => load_template [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/template-parts/content-page.php [1] => [2] => Array ( ) ) ) [42] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/general-template.php [line] => 206 [function] => locate_template [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => template-parts/content-page.php [1] => template-parts/content.php ) [1] => 1 [2] => [3] => Array ( ) ) ) [43] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/inc/class-astra-loop.php [line] => 109 [function] => get_template_part [args] => Array ( [0] => template-parts/content [1] => page ) ) [44] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line] => 324 [function] => template_parts_page [class] => Astra_Loop [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [45] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line] => 348 [function] => apply_filters [class] => WP_Hook [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) [46] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/plugin.php [line] => 517 [function] => do_action [class] => WP_Hook [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) [47] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/inc/class-astra-loop.php [line] => 199 [function] => do_action [args] => Array ( [0] => astra_page_template_parts_content ) ) [48] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/inc/class-astra-loop.php [line] => 174 [function] => loop_markup [class] => Astra_Loop [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) ) [49] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line] => 324 [function] => loop_markup_page [class] => Astra_Loop [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [50] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line] => 348 [function] => apply_filters [class] => WP_Hook [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) [51] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/plugin.php [line] => 517 [function] => do_action [class] => WP_Hook [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) [52] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/inc/core/theme-hooks.php [line] => 267 [function] => do_action [args] => Array ( [0] => astra_content_page_loop ) ) [53] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/page.php [line] => 32 [function] => astra_content_page_loop [args] => Array ( ) ) [54] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/template-loader.php [line] => 106 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/page.php ) [function] => include ) [55] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-blog-header.php [line] => 19 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/template-loader.php ) [function] => require_once ) [56] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/index.php [line] => 18 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-blog-header.php ) [function] => require ) ) [previous:Exception:private] => )

Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice.

Our Services

Tubal Ligation & Reversal​

Hysterectomy & Myomectomy

Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve

Gastric Balloon

Gastric Sleeve

Varicose Vein Treatment

Acid Reflux

Same Day Surgery



High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome

5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk?

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause.

Exception Object
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                                                                                                                                                    [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."

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Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


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The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
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"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [allEnabledSlides:protected] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 9 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:49:52 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:49:52 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-1fde89e6102ed [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [maximumSlideCount:protected] => 1000 ) [slides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 9 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:49:52 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:49:52 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-1fde89e6102ed [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


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She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
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"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


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of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [allEnabledSlides:protected] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 9 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:49:52 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:49:52 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-1fde89e6102ed [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [maximumSlideCount:protected] => 1000 ) [slides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 9 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:49:52 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:49:52 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-1fde89e6102ed [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [firstSlideIndex] => 0 [device:protected] => [assets] => N2SmartSliderCSSSimple Object *RECURSION* [cache:protected] => [staticSlides] => Array ( ) [sliderType:protected] => N2SmartSliderTypeSimple Object ( [backgroundAnimation:N2SmartSliderTypeSimple:private] => [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [jsDependency:protected] => Array ( [0] => nextend-frontend [1] => smartslider-frontend ) [javaScriptProperties:protected] => Array ( [admin] => [translate3d] => 1 [callbacks] => [background.video.mobile] => 1 [randomize] => Array ( [randomize] => 0 [randomizeFirst] => 0 ) [align] => normal [isDelayed] => 0 [load] => Array ( [fade] => 1 [scroll] => 0 ) [playWhenVisible] => 1 [playWhenVisibleAt] => 0.5 [responsive] => Array ( [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [onResizeEnabled] => 1 [type] => fullwidth [downscale] => 1 [upscale] => 1 [minimumHeight] => 0 [maximumHeight] => 600 [maximumSlideWidth] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTablet] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTabletLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobile] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobileLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthConstrainHeight] => 0 [forceFull] => 1 [forceFullOverflowX] => body [forceFullHorizontalSelector] => [constrainRatio] => 1 [sliderHeightBasedOn] => real [decreaseSliderHeight] => 0 [focusUser] => 1 [focusEdge] => auto [deviceModes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 0 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [normalizedDeviceModes] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => Array ( [0] => unknown [1] => Unknown ) [desktopPortrait] => Array ( [0] => desktop [1] => Portrait ) [desktopLandscape] => Array ( [0] => desktop [1] => Portrait ) [tabletPortrait] => Array ( [0] => tablet [1] => Portrait ) [tabletLandscape] => Array ( [0] => tablet [1] => Portrait ) [mobilePortrait] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) [mobileLandscape] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) ) [verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) [minimumFontSizes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) [ratioToDevice] => Array ( [Portrait] => Array ( [tablet] => 0.7 [mobile] => 0.5 ) [Landscape] => Array ( [tablet] => 0 [mobile] => 0 ) ) [sliderWidthToDevice] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1300 [desktopLandscape] => 1300 [tabletPortrait] => 910 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 650 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [basedOn] => combined [orientationMode] => width_and_height [overflowHiddenPage] => 0 [desktopPortraitScreenWidth] => 1200 [tabletPortraitScreenWidth] => 800 [mobilePortraitScreenWidth] => 440 [tabletLandscapeScreenWidth] => 800 [mobileLandscapeScreenWidth] => 440 [focus] => Array ( [offsetTop] => #wpadminbar [offsetBottom] => ) ) [controls] => Array ( [mousewheel] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => 0 [lazyLoadNeighbor] => 0 [blockrightclick] => 0 [maintainSession] => 0 [autoplay] => Array ( [enabled] => 0 [start] => 1 [duration] => 8000 [autoplayToSlide] => -1 [autoplayToSlideIndex] => -1 [allowReStart] => 0 [pause] => Array ( [click] => 1 [mouse] => 0 [mediaStarted] => 1 ) [resume] => Array ( [click] => 0 [mouse] => 0 [mediaEnded] => 1 [slidechanged] => 0 ) ) [perspective] => 1000 [layerMode] => Array ( [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [initCallbacks] => Array ( [0] => [1] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetArrowImage(this, 1, 0.7, 0.5); 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/nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/cache/manifest.php [line] => 22 [function] => renderCachedSlider [class] => N2SmartSliderManager [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => N2CacheManifestSlider Object ( [parameters:N2CacheManifestSlider:private] => Array ( [slider] => N2SmartSlider Object ( [manifestData] => Array ( [generator] => Array ( ) ) [isGroup:protected] => [sliderId] => 4 [cacheId] => n2-ss-4 [data] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [id] => 4 [alias] => [title] => Demo Slider - Free full width II. 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[time] => 2020-04-07 14:47:39 [thumbnail] => $upload$/slider4/fullwidhtgradient.png [ordering] => 0 ) ) [params] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [widget-bullet-position-mode] => simple [widget-bullet-position-area] => 10 [widget-bullet-position-offset] => 5 [widget-bullet-action] => click [widget-bullet-style] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siYmFja2dyb3VuZGNvbG9yIjoiZmZmZmZmMDAiLCJvcGFjaXR5IjoxMDAsInBhZGRpbmciOiI1fCp8NXwqfDV8Knw1fCp8cHgiLCJib3hzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwfCp8MDAwMDAwZmYiLCJib3JkZXIiOiIyfCp8c29saWR8KnxmZmZmZmZjYyIsImJvcmRlcnJhZGl1cyI6IjUwIiwiZXh0cmEiOiJtYXJnaW46IDRweDsifSx7ImV4dHJhIjoiIiwiYmFja2dyb3VuZGNvbG9yIjoiZmZmZmZmZmYiLCJib3JkZXIiOiIyfCp8c29saWR8KnxmZmZmZmZmZiJ9XX0= [widget-bullet-bar] => [widget-bullet-align] => center [widget-bullet-orientation] => auto [widget-bullet-bar-full-size] => 0 [widget-bullet-overlay] => 0 [widget-bullet-thumbnail-show-image] => 0 [widget-bullet-thumbnail-width] => 100 [widget-bullet-thumbnail-style] => 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[controlsTilt] => 0 [align] => normal [backgroundMode] => fill [shape-divider] => [particle] => [background-animation-color] => 333333ff [background-animation-speed] => normal [kenburns-animation-speed] => default [kenburns-animation-strength] => default [backgroundVideoMp4] => [backgroundVideoMuted] => 1 [backgroundVideoLoop] => 1 [backgroundVideoMode] => fill [dynamic-height] => 0 [loop-single-slide] => 0 [slider-preset] => [width] => 1300 [height] => 600 [desktop-portrait-minimum-font-size] => 1 [desktop-landscape] => 0 [desktop-landscape-width] => 1440 [desktop-landscape-height] => 0 [desktop-landscape-minimum-font-size] => 1 [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [margin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0 [tablet-portrait] => 0 [tablet-portrait-width] => 800 [tablet-portrait-height] => 0 [tablet-portrait-minimum-font-size] => 1 [tablet-landscape] => 0 [tablet-landscape-width] => 1024 [tablet-landscape-height] => 0 [tablet-landscape-minimum-font-size] => 1 [mobile-portrait] => 0 [mobile-portrait-width] => 440 [mobile-portrait-height] => 0 [mobile-portrait-minimum-font-size] => 1 [mobile-landscape] => 0 [mobile-landscape-width] => 740 [mobile-landscape-height] => 0 [mobile-landscape-minimum-font-size] => 1 [responsive-mode] => fullwidth [responsiveSliderHeightMin] => 0 [responsiveSliderHeightMax] => 600 [responsiveForceFull] => 1 [responsiveForceFullOverflowX] => body [responsiveForceFullHorizontalSelector] => [responsiveSliderOrientation] => width_and_height [responsiveSlideWidth] => 1 [responsiveSlideWidthMax] => 3000 [responsiveSlideWidthDesktopLandscape] => 0 [responsiveSlideWidthMaxDesktopLandscape] => 1600 [responsiveSlideWidthTablet] => 0 [responsiveSlideWidthMaxTablet] => 980 [responsiveSlideWidthTabletLandscape] => 0 [responsiveSlideWidthMaxTabletLandscape] => 1200 [responsiveSlideWidthMobile] => 0 [responsiveSlideWidthMaxMobile] => 480 [responsiveSlideWidthMobileLandscape] => 0 [responsiveSlideWidthMaxMobileLandscape] => 740 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[layer-image-tablet] => 50 [layer-image-mobile] => 30 [layer-image-base64] => 0 [layer-image-base64-size] => 5 [slides-background-video-mobile] => 1 [playWhenVisible] => 1 [playWhenVisibleAt] => 50 [fadeOnLoad] => 1 [fadeOnScroll] => 0 [spinner] => simpleWhite [custom-spinner] => [custom-spinner-width] => 100 [custom-spinner-height] => 100 [custom-display] => 1 [placeholder-background-image] => [placeholder-color] => FFFFFF00 [dependency] => [delay] => 0 [is-delayed] => 0 [randomize] => 0 [randomizeFirst] => 0 [randomize-cache] => 1 [variations] => 5 [maximumslidecount] => 1000 [global-lightbox] => 0 [global-lightbox-label] => 0 [maintain-session] => 0 [blockrightclick] => 0 [overflow-hidden-page] => 0 [scroll-fix] => 0 [clear-both] => 0 [clear-both-after] => 1 [bg-parallax-tablet] => 1 [bg-parallax-mobile] => 1 [custom-css-codes] => [callbacks] => [related-posts] => [widgetarrow] => imageEmpty [widget-arrow-display-desktop] => 1 [widget-arrow-display-tablet] => 1 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=> [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [allEnabledSlides:protected] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 9 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:49:52 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:49:52 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-1fde89e6102ed [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [maximumSlideCount:protected] => 1000 ) [slides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 9 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:49:52 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:49:52 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-1fde89e6102ed [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [firstSlideIndex] => 0 [device:protected] => [assets] => N2SmartSliderCSSSimple Object ( [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [sizes] => Array ( [marginVertical] => 0 [marginHorizontal] => 0 [width] => 1300 [height] => 600 [canvasWidth] => 1300 [canvasHeight] => 600 ) [context:protected] => Array ( [sliderid] => ~'#n2-ss-4' [width] => 1300px [height] => 600px [canvas] => 0 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n2-style-61eca1b6fdf733fdba302f7e87f2740b-dot [c2ac5a73cb45016641d35e4b7d2a0e77] => ) [initCallbacks] => Array ( [0] => [1] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetArrowImage(this, 1, 0.7, 0.5); [2] => [3] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetBulletTransition(this, {"overlay":0,"area":10,"dotClasses":"n2-style-61eca1b6fdf733fdba302f7e87f2740b-dot ","mode":"","action":"click"}); ) [addedScriptResources] => Array ( ) [features] => N2SmartSliderFeatures Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatures:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [allowBGImageAttachmentFixed] => [fadeOnLoad] => N2SmartSliderFeatureFadeOnLoad Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureFadeOnLoad:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [fadeOnLoad] => 1 [fadeOnScroll] => 0 [playWhenVisible] => 1 [playWhenVisibleAt] => 0.5 [placeholderColor] => RGBA(255,255,255,0) [customSpinner] => [placeholderBackground] => ) [responsive] => N2SmartSliderFeatureResponsive Object ( [slider] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [onResizeEnabled] => 1 [type] => fullwidth [scaleDown] => 1 [scaleUp] => 1 [forceFull] => 1 [forceFullOverflowX] => body [forceFullHorizontalSelector] => [constrainRatio] => 1 [minimumHeight] => 0 [maximumHeight] => 600 [maximumSlideWidth] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTablet] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTabletLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobile] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobileLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthConstrainHeight] => 0 [sliderHeightBasedOn] => real [responsiveDecreaseSliderHeight] => 0 [basedOn] => combined [desktopPortraitScreenWidth] => 1200 [tabletPortraitScreenWidth] => 800 [mobilePortraitScreenWidth] => 440 [tabletLandscapeScreenWidth] => 800 [mobileLandscapeScreenWidth] => 440 [focusUser] => 1 [focusEdge] => auto [orientationMode] => width_and_height [responsivePlugin] => N2SSPluginResponsiveFullWidth Object ( [name:protected] => fullwidth [ordering] => 2 ) [modes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 0 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [sliderWidthToDevice] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1300 [desktopLandscape] => 1300 [tabletPortrait] => 910 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 650 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [sliderRatioToDevice] => Array ( [Portrait] => Array ( [tablet] => 0.7 [mobile] => 0.5 ) [Landscape] => Array ( [tablet] => 0 [mobile] => 0 ) ) [minimumFontSizes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) [verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) ) [controls] => N2SmartSliderFeatureControls Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureControls:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [mousewheel:N2SmartSliderFeatureControls:private] => 0 [drag] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => N2SmartSliderFeatureLazyLoad Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureLazyLoad:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 [neighborCount] => 0 [layerImageOptimize] => [layerImageTablet] => 0.5 [layerImageMobile] => 0.3 [layerImageSizeBase64] => [layerImageSizeBase64Size] => 5120 ) [align] => N2SmartSliderFeatureAlign Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureAlign:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [align] => normal ) [blockRightClick] => N2SmartSliderFeatureBlockRightClick Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureBlockRightClick:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) [autoplay] => N2SmartSliderFeatureAutoplay Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureAutoplay:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 [isStart] => 1 [duration] => 8000 [interval] => 0 [intervalModifier] => loop [intervalSlide] => current [allowReStart] => 0 [stopOnClick] => 1 [stopOnMouseEnter] => 1 [stopOnMediaStarted] => 1 [resumeOnMouseLeave] => 0 [resumeOnMediaEnded] => 1 [resumeOnSlideChanged] => 0 [stopOnMouse] => 0 [resumeOnClick] => 0 [resumeOnMouse] => 0 ) [translateUrl] => N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [from] => [to] => ) [layerMode] => N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [slideBackground] => N2SmartSliderFeatureSlideBackground Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureSlideBackground:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* ) [postBackgroundAnimation] => [focus] => N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [focusOffsetTop:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => #wpadminbar [focusOffsetBottom:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => ) [loadSpinner] => N2SmartSliderFeatureSpinner Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureSpinner:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* ) [optimize] => N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [optimize:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 0 [thumbnailWidth:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 100 [thumbnailHeight:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 60 [quality:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 70 [backgroundImageCustom] => 0 [backgroundImageWidth] => 800 [backgroundImageHeight] => 600 ) [margin] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [margin] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 ) ) [maintainSession] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) ) ) ) [_storageEngine:protected] => database [isExtended:N2CacheManifestSlider:private] => [isRaw:N2CacheManifest:private] => [manifestData:N2CacheManifest:private] => [group:protected] => n2-ss-4 [isAccessible:protected] => [storage] => N2CacheStorageDatabase Object ( [db:protected] => N2StorageSection Object ( [application:N2StorageSection:private] => cache [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [paths:protected] => Array ( [web] => web [notweb] => notweb [image] => image ) ) ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/libraries/slider/cache/slider.php [line] => 48 [function] => makeCache [class] => N2CacheManifest [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => slideren_US1 [1] => [2] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderManager Object ( [hasError:N2SmartSliderManager:private] => [usage:protected] => WordPress Shortcode [slider] => N2SmartSlider Object ( [manifestData] => Array ( [generator] => Array ( ) ) [isGroup:protected] => [sliderId] => 4 [cacheId] => n2-ss-4 [data] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [id] => 4 [alias] => [title] => Demo Slider - Free full width II. [type] => simple [params] => 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[time] => 2020-04-07 14:47:39 [thumbnail] => $upload$/slider4/fullwidhtgradient.png [ordering] => 0 ) ) [params] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [widget-bullet-position-mode] => simple [widget-bullet-position-area] => 10 [widget-bullet-position-offset] => 5 [widget-bullet-action] => click [widget-bullet-style] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siYmFja2dyb3VuZGNvbG9yIjoiZmZmZmZmMDAiLCJvcGFjaXR5IjoxMDAsInBhZGRpbmciOiI1fCp8NXwqfDV8Knw1fCp8cHgiLCJib3hzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwfCp8MDAwMDAwZmYiLCJib3JkZXIiOiIyfCp8c29saWR8KnxmZmZmZmZjYyIsImJvcmRlcnJhZGl1cyI6IjUwIiwiZXh0cmEiOiJtYXJnaW46IDRweDsifSx7ImV4dHJhIjoiIiwiYmFja2dyb3VuZGNvbG9yIjoiZmZmZmZmZmYiLCJib3JkZXIiOiIyfCp8c29saWR8KnxmZmZmZmZmZiJ9XX0= [widget-bullet-bar] => [widget-bullet-align] => center [widget-bullet-orientation] => auto [widget-bullet-bar-full-size] => 0 [widget-bullet-overlay] => 0 [widget-bullet-thumbnail-show-image] => 0 [widget-bullet-thumbnail-width] => 100 [widget-bullet-thumbnail-style] => 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[widget-arrow-animation] => fade [widget-arrow-mirror] => 1 [widget-arrow-next-image] => [widget-arrow-next] => $ss$/plugins/widgetarrow/image/image/next/thin-horizontal.svg [widget-arrow-next-color] => ffffffcc [widget-arrow-next-hover] => 0 [widget-arrow-next-hover-color] => ffffffcc [widget-arrow-previous-alt] => previous arrow [widget-arrow-next-alt] => next arrow [widget-arrow-base64] => 1 [background] => [background-size] => cover [background-fixed] => 0 [padding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0 [border-width] => 0 [border-color] => 3E3E3Eff [border-radius] => 0 [slider-css] => [slide-css] => [animation] => horizontal [animation-duration] => 600 [animation-delay] => 0 [animation-easing] => easeOutQuad [animation-parallax-overlap] => 0 [animation-shifted-background-animation] => auto [carousel] => 1 [background-animation] => [kenburns-animation] => 50|*|50|*| [alias-id] => [alias-smoothscroll] => [controlsScroll] => 0 [controlsDrag] => 1 [controlsTouch] => horizontal [controlsKeyboard] => 1 [controlsTilt] => 0 [align] => normal [backgroundMode] => fill [shape-divider] => [particle] => [background-animation-color] => 333333ff [background-animation-speed] => normal [kenburns-animation-speed] => default [kenburns-animation-strength] => default [backgroundVideoMp4] => [backgroundVideoMuted] => 1 [backgroundVideoLoop] => 1 [backgroundVideoMode] => fill [dynamic-height] => 0 [loop-single-slide] => 0 [slider-preset] => [width] => 1300 [height] => 600 [desktop-portrait-minimum-font-size] => 1 [desktop-landscape] => 0 [desktop-landscape-width] => 1440 [desktop-landscape-height] => 0 [desktop-landscape-minimum-font-size] => 1 [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [margin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0 [tablet-portrait] => 0 [tablet-portrait-width] => 800 [tablet-portrait-height] => 0 [tablet-portrait-minimum-font-size] => 1 [tablet-landscape] => 0 [tablet-landscape-width] => 1024 [tablet-landscape-height] => 0 [tablet-landscape-minimum-font-size] => 1 [mobile-portrait] => 0 [mobile-portrait-width] => 440 [mobile-portrait-height] => 0 [mobile-portrait-minimum-font-size] => 1 [mobile-landscape] => 0 [mobile-landscape-width] => 740 [mobile-landscape-height] => 0 [mobile-landscape-minimum-font-size] => 1 [responsive-mode] => fullwidth [responsiveSliderHeightMin] => 0 [responsiveSliderHeightMax] => 600 [responsiveForceFull] => 1 [responsiveForceFullOverflowX] => body [responsiveForceFullHorizontalSelector] => [responsiveSliderOrientation] => width_and_height [responsiveSlideWidth] => 1 [responsiveSlideWidthMax] => 3000 [responsiveSlideWidthDesktopLandscape] => 0 [responsiveSlideWidthMaxDesktopLandscape] => 1600 [responsiveSlideWidthTablet] => 0 [responsiveSlideWidthMaxTablet] => 980 [responsiveSlideWidthTabletLandscape] => 0 [responsiveSlideWidthMaxTabletLandscape] => 1200 [responsiveSlideWidthMobile] => 0 [responsiveSlideWidthMaxMobile] => 480 [responsiveSlideWidthMobileLandscape] => 0 [responsiveSlideWidthMaxMobileLandscape] => 740 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[widget-arrow-display-mobile] => 1 [widget-arrow-exclude-slides] => [widget-arrow-display-hover] => 0 [widget-arrow-previous-position-stack] => 1 [widget-arrow-previous-position-horizontal] => left [widget-arrow-previous-position-horizontal-position] => 0+5 [widget-arrow-previous-position-horizontal-unit] => px [widget-arrow-previous-position-vertical] => top [widget-arrow-previous-position-vertical-position] => height/2-previousheight/2 [widget-arrow-previous-position-vertical-unit] => px [widget-arrow-next-position-stack] => 1 [widget-arrow-next-position-horizontal] => right [widget-arrow-next-position-horizontal-position] => 0+5 [widget-arrow-next-position-horizontal-unit] => px [widget-arrow-next-position-vertical] => top [widget-arrow-next-position-vertical-position] => height/2-nextheight/2 [widget-arrow-next-position-vertical-unit] => px [widgetbullet] => transition [widget-bullet-display-desktop] => 1 [widget-bullet-display-tablet] => 1 [widget-bullet-display-mobile] => 0 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[widget-bar-display-mobile] => 1 [widget-bar-exclude-slides] => [widget-bar-display-hover] => 0 [widgetthumbnail] => disabled [widget-thumbnail-display-desktop] => 1 [widget-thumbnail-display-tablet] => 1 [widget-thumbnail-display-mobile] => 1 [widget-thumbnail-exclude-slides] => [widget-thumbnail-display-hover] => 0 [widget-thumbnail-show-image] => 1 [widget-thumbnail-width] => 100 [widget-thumbnail-height] => 60 [widgetshadow] => disabled [widget-shadow-display-desktop] => 1 [widget-shadow-display-tablet] => 1 [widget-shadow-display-mobile] => 1 [widget-shadow-exclude-slides] => [widgetfullscreen] => disabled [widget-fullscreen-display-desktop] => 1 [widget-fullscreen-display-tablet] => 1 [widget-fullscreen-display-mobile] => 1 [widget-fullscreen-exclude-slides] => [widget-fullscreen-display-hover] => 0 [widgethtml] => disabled [widget-html-display-desktop] => 1 [widget-html-display-tablet] => 1 [widget-html-display-mobile] => 1 [widget-html-exclude-slides] => 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[adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [allEnabledSlides:protected] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 9 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:49:52 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:49:52 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-1fde89e6102ed [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [maximumSlideCount:protected] => 1000 ) [slides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 9 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:49:52 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:49:52 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-1fde89e6102ed [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


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She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
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"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


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[focusOffsetBottom:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => ) [loadSpinner] => N2SmartSliderFeatureSpinner Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureSpinner:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* ) [optimize] => N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [optimize:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 0 [thumbnailWidth:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 100 [thumbnailHeight:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 60 [quality:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 70 [backgroundImageCustom] => 0 [backgroundImageWidth] => 800 [backgroundImageHeight] => 600 ) [margin] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [margin] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 ) ) [maintainSession] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) ) ) [nextCacheRefresh] => ) [1] => renderCachedSlider ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/libraries/slider/manager.php [line] => 78 [function] => makeCache [class] => N2CacheManifestSlider [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => slideren_US1 [1] => [2] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderManager Object ( [hasError:N2SmartSliderManager:private] => [usage:protected] => WordPress Shortcode [slider] => N2SmartSlider Object ( [manifestData] => Array ( [generator] => Array ( ) ) [isGroup:protected] => [sliderId] => 4 [cacheId] => n2-ss-4 [data] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [id] => 4 [alias] => [title] => Demo Slider - Free full width II. 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of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [allEnabledSlides:protected] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 9 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:49:52 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:49:52 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-1fde89e6102ed [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [maximumSlideCount:protected] => 1000 ) [slides] => Array ( [0] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 9 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:49:52 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:49:52 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-1fde89e6102ed [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Everyone of her staff from the mome [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor." [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|30|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 60 [mobileportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|10|*|0|*|px+ [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => CAROLINE C. [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => text [values] => Array ( [content] => CAROLINE C. [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmNjIiwic2l6ZSI6IjE4fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNiIsImJvbGQiOjAsIml0YWxpYyI6MCwidW5kZXJsaW5lIjowLCJhbGlnbiI6ImluaGVyaXQiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IjE4OTBkN2ZmIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => [contenttablet] => [contentmobile] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 0 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => 1 [html:protected] =>

Everyone of her staff from the moment I arrived greeted me with a smile. I left her office feeling confident that I had definitely selected the right doctor."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 0 [attributes] => Array ( [data-first] => 1 [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 9 [data-title] => Slide 1 ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-9 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803792 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [1] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 14 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:51:54 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:51:54 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-avPBRb6ukePN [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => center [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone." DAVID M. [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsImJvbGQiOjMwMCwiaXRhbGljIjowLCJ1bmRlcmxpbmUiOjAsImFsaWduIjoiaW5oZXJpdCIsImxldHRlcnNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ3b3Jkc3BhY2luZyI6Im5vcm1hbCIsInRleHR0cmFuc2Zvcm0iOiJub25lIn0seyJleHRyYSI6IiJ9XX0= [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 1 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/David-Gandy-European-American-Men-1050x700-1.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is a great doctor. The took care of my needs in the utmost professional banner. I would recommend her to anyone."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 14 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-14 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803914 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [2] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 13 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:52:36 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:52:36 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-XaECm7eY3HvY [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wo [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 2 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"I went to Dr Inikunle and had a wonder experience with everything. Very nice to have a Dr that makes you feel like family."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 2 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 13 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-13 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803956 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) [3] => N2SmartSliderSlide Object ( [sliderObject:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [id] => 12 [slider] => 4 [publish_up] => 2020-04-06 14:53:10 [publish_down] => 2030-04-07 14:53:10 [published] => 1 [first] => 0 [slide] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => content [lastplacement] => content [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 10|*|20|*|10|*|20|*|px+ [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitpadding] => 20|*|20|*|20|*|20|*|px+ [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => n-uc-jQmxEBMBEvbk [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 1 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Content [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000080 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => row [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitinneralign] => inherit [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitgutter] => 0 [desktopportraitwrapafter] => 0 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => inherit [mobileportraitgutter] => 10 [mobileportraitwrapafter] => 1 [mobilelandscapewrapafter] => 1 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Row [namesynced] => 1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [fullwidth] => 1 [stretch] => 0 [cols] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => col [lastplacement] => default [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitinneralign] => left [desktopportraitpadding] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitorder] => 0 [mobileportraitinneralign] => center [mobileportraitorder] => 2 [opened] => 1 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => Col [namesynced] => 1 [bgimage] => [bgimagex] => 50 [bgimagey] => 50 [bgcolor] => 00000000 [bgcolorgradient] => off [bgcolorgradientend] => 00000000 [verticalalign] => center [colwidth] => 1/1 [href] => # [href-target] => _self [borderradius] => 0 [boxshadow] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|00000080 [borderwidth] => 1|*|1|*|1|*|1 [borderstyle] => none [bordercolor] => ffffffff [layers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => layer [lastplacement] => normal [desktopportraitfontsize] => 100 [desktopportraitmargin] => 0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+ [desktopportraitheight] => 0 [desktopportraitmaxwidth] => 0 [desktopportraitselfalign] => center [tabletportraitfontsize] => 80 [mobileportraitfontsize] => 70 [id] => [uniqueclass] => [class] => [crop] => visible [rotation] => 0 [parallax] => 0 [adaptivefont] => 0 [generatorvisible] => [desktopportrait] => 1 [desktoplandscape] => 1 [tabletportrait] => 1 [tabletlandscape] => 1 [mobileportrait] => 1 [mobilelandscape] => 1 [name] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is e [namesynced] => 1 [item] => Array ( [type] => heading [values] => Array ( [heading] => "Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable." VERIFIED PATIENT [href] => # [href-target] => _self [href-rel] => [priority] => 2 [fullwidth] => 1 [nowrap] => 0 [font] => eyJuYW1lIjoiU3RhdGljIiwiZGF0YSI6W3siZXh0cmEiOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6ImZmZmZmZmZmIiwic2l6ZSI6IjM2fHxweCIsInRzaGFkb3ciOiIwfCp8MHwqfDB8KnwwMDAwMDBmZiIsImFmb250IjoiUm9ib3RvIiwibGluZWhlaWdodCI6IjEuNSIsIndlaWdodCI6MzAwLCJpdGFsaWMiOjAsInVuZGVybGluZSI6MCwiYWxpZ24iOiJjZW50ZXIiLCJsZXR0ZXJzcGFjaW5nIjoibm9ybWFsIiwid29yZHNwYWNpbmciOiJub3JtYWwiLCJ0ZXh0dHJhbnNmb3JtIjoibm9uZSJ9LHsiZXh0cmEiOiIifV19 [style] => ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [ordering] => 3 [generator_id] => 0 [title:protected] => Slide 1 - copy [description:protected] => [thumbnail:protected] => $upload$/slider4/gradient1.jpg [parameters] => N2Data Object ( [_data] => Array ( [background-type] => image [backgroundImage] => $upload$/2020/04/photo-1536548665027-b96d34a005ae.jpg [backgroundFocusX] => 50 [backgroundFocusY] => 50 [backgroundImageOpacity] => 100 [backgroundImageBlur] => 0 [backgroundAlt] => [backgroundTitle] => [backgroundColor] => 00000080 [backgroundGradient] => horizontal [backgroundColorEnd] => 00b6c3ff [backgroundColorOverlay] => 0 [backgroundMode] => default [background-animation] => [background-animation-speed] => default [thumbnailType] => default [href] => [href-target] => _self [guides] => eyJob3Jpem9udGFsIjpbXSwidmVydGljYWwiOltdfQ== [first] => 0 [static-slide] => 0 [slide-duration] => 0 [version] => 3.3.28 ) ) [background] =>
[isProcessedFirst:protected] => [html:protected] =>

"Dr. Postoev is wonderful. She is extremely gentle when doing procedures and has a positive, reassuring attitude to make you feel comfortable."


[visible:protected] => 1 [hasLink] => [generator:protected] => [variables:protected] => Array ( [slide] => Array ( [name] => Slide 1 - copy [description] => ) ) [context:protected] => [index] => 3 [attributes] => Array ( [data-slide-duration] => 0 [data-id] => 12 [data-title] => Slide 1 - copy ) [linkAttributes] => Array ( ) [containerAttributes] => Array ( [class] => n2-ss-layers-container n2-ow [data-csstextalign] => center [style] => ) [classes] => n2-ss-slide-12 [style] => [nextCacheRefresh] => 1901803990 [underEdit] => [renderable:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [unique] => ) ) [firstSlideIndex] => 0 [device:protected] => [assets] => N2SmartSliderCSSSimple Object ( [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [sizes] => Array ( [marginVertical] => 0 [marginHorizontal] => 0 [width] => 1300 [height] => 600 [canvasWidth] => 1300 [canvasHeight] => 600 ) [context:protected] => Array ( [sliderid] => ~'#n2-ss-4' [width] => 1300px [height] => 600px [canvas] => 0 [count] => 4 [margin] => 0px 0px 0px 0px [hasPerspective] => 1 [perspective] => 1000px [backgroundSize] => cover [backgroundAttachment] => scroll [borderRadius] => 0px [paddingt] => 0px [paddingr] => 0px [paddingb] => 0px [paddingl] => 0px [border] => 0px [borderrgba] => RGBA(62,62,62,1) [borderhex] => #3E3E3E [inner1height] => 600px [canvaswidth] => 1300px [canvasheight] => 600px ) ) [cache:protected] => [staticSlides] => Array ( ) [sliderType:protected] => N2SmartSliderTypeSimple Object ( [backgroundAnimation:N2SmartSliderTypeSimple:private] => [slider:protected] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [jsDependency:protected] => Array ( [0] => nextend-frontend [1] => smartslider-frontend ) [javaScriptProperties:protected] => Array ( [admin] => [translate3d] => 1 [callbacks] => [background.video.mobile] => 1 [randomize] => Array ( [randomize] => 0 [randomizeFirst] => 0 ) [align] => normal [isDelayed] => 0 [load] => Array ( [fade] => 1 [scroll] => 0 ) [playWhenVisible] => 1 [playWhenVisibleAt] => 0.5 [responsive] => Array ( [desktop] => 1 [tablet] => 1 [mobile] => 1 [onResizeEnabled] => 1 [type] => fullwidth [downscale] => 1 [upscale] => 1 [minimumHeight] => 0 [maximumHeight] => 600 [maximumSlideWidth] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTablet] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthTabletLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobile] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthMobileLandscape] => 3000 [maximumSlideWidthConstrainHeight] => 0 [forceFull] => 1 [forceFullOverflowX] => body [forceFullHorizontalSelector] => [constrainRatio] => 1 [sliderHeightBasedOn] => real [decreaseSliderHeight] => 0 [focusUser] => 1 [focusEdge] => auto [deviceModes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 0 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [normalizedDeviceModes] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => Array ( [0] => unknown [1] => Unknown ) [desktopPortrait] => Array ( [0] => desktop [1] => Portrait ) [desktopLandscape] => Array ( [0] => desktop [1] => Portrait ) [tabletPortrait] => Array ( [0] => tablet [1] => Portrait ) [tabletLandscape] => Array ( [0] => tablet [1] => Portrait ) [mobilePortrait] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) [mobileLandscape] => Array ( [0] => mobile [1] => Portrait ) ) [verticalRatioModifiers] => Array ( [unknownUnknown] => 1 [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) [minimumFontSizes] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1 [desktopLandscape] => 1 [tabletPortrait] => 1 [tabletLandscape] => 1 [mobilePortrait] => 1 [mobileLandscape] => 1 ) [ratioToDevice] => Array ( [Portrait] => Array ( [tablet] => 0.7 [mobile] => 0.5 ) [Landscape] => Array ( [tablet] => 0 [mobile] => 0 ) ) [sliderWidthToDevice] => Array ( [desktopPortrait] => 1300 [desktopLandscape] => 1300 [tabletPortrait] => 910 [tabletLandscape] => 0 [mobilePortrait] => 650 [mobileLandscape] => 0 ) [basedOn] => combined [orientationMode] => width_and_height [overflowHiddenPage] => 0 [desktopPortraitScreenWidth] => 1200 [tabletPortraitScreenWidth] => 800 [mobilePortraitScreenWidth] => 440 [tabletLandscapeScreenWidth] => 800 [mobileLandscapeScreenWidth] => 440 [focus] => Array ( [offsetTop] => #wpadminbar [offsetBottom] => ) ) [controls] => Array ( [mousewheel] => 0 [touch] => horizontal [keyboard] => 1 [blockCarouselInteraction] => 1 ) [lazyLoad] => 0 [lazyLoadNeighbor] => 0 [blockrightclick] => 0 [maintainSession] => 0 [autoplay] => Array ( [enabled] => 0 [start] => 1 [duration] => 8000 [autoplayToSlide] => -1 [autoplayToSlideIndex] => -1 [allowReStart] => 0 [pause] => Array ( [click] => 1 [mouse] => 0 [mediaStarted] => 1 ) [resume] => Array ( [click] => 0 [mouse] => 0 [mediaEnded] => 1 [slidechanged] => 0 ) ) [perspective] => 1000 [layerMode] => Array ( [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [initCallbacks] => Array ( [0] => [1] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetArrowImage(this, 1, 0.7, 0.5); [2] => [3] => new N2Classes.SmartSliderWidgetBulletTransition(this, {"overlay":0,"area":10,"dotClasses":"n2-style-61eca1b6fdf733fdba302f7e87f2740b-dot ","mode":"","action":"click"}); ) [allowBGImageAttachmentFixed] => [bgAnimationsColor] => RGBA(51,51,51,1) [bgAnimations] => 0 [mainanimation] => Array ( [type] => horizontal [duration] => 600 [delay] => 0 [ease] => easeOutQuad [parallax] => 0 [shiftedBackgroundAnimation] => 0 ) [carousel] => 1 [dynamicHeight] => 0 ) [widgets:protected] => N2SmartSliderWidgets Object ( [enabledWidgets] => Array ( [arrow] => N2SSPluginWidgetArrowImageEmpty Object ( [name:protected] => imageEmpty [ordering] => 1 ) [bullet] => N2SSPluginWidgetBulletTransition Object ( [name:protected] => transition [ordering] => 1 ) ) [widgets] => Array ( [previous] =>
previous arrow
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next arrow
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[stopOnClick] => 1 [stopOnMouseEnter] => 1 [stopOnMediaStarted] => 1 [resumeOnMouseLeave] => 0 [resumeOnMediaEnded] => 1 [resumeOnSlideChanged] => 0 [stopOnMouse] => 0 [resumeOnClick] => 0 [resumeOnMouse] => 0 ) [translateUrl] => N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureTranslateUrl:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [from] => [to] => ) [layerMode] => N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureLayerMode:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [playOnce] => 0 [playFirstLayer] => 1 [mode] => skippable [inAnimation] => mainInEnd ) [slideBackground] => N2SmartSliderFeatureSlideBackground Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureSlideBackground:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* ) [postBackgroundAnimation] => [focus] => N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [focusOffsetTop:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => #wpadminbar [focusOffsetBottom:N2SmartSliderFeatureFocus:private] => ) [loadSpinner] => N2SmartSliderFeatureSpinner Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureSpinner:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* ) [optimize] => N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [optimize:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 0 [thumbnailWidth:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 100 [thumbnailHeight:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 60 [quality:N2SmartSliderFeatureOptimize:private] => 70 [backgroundImageCustom] => 0 [backgroundImageWidth] => 800 [backgroundImageHeight] => 600 ) [margin] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMargin:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [margin] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 0 ) ) [maintainSession] => N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession Object ( [slider:N2SmartSliderFeatureMaintainSession:private] => N2SmartSlider Object *RECURSION* [isEnabled] => 0 ) ) ) [nextCacheRefresh] => ) [1] => renderCachedSlider ) ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/libraries/slider/manager.php [line] => 68 [function] => cacheSlider [class] => N2SmartSliderManager [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/controllers/home/views/wordpress.phtml [line] => 7 [function] => render [class] => N2SmartSliderManager [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/layout.php [line] => 148 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/controllers/home/views/wordpress.phtml ) [function] => include ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/layout.php [line] => 115 [function] => renderInline [class] => N2Layout [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/controllers/home/views/wordpress.phtml [1] => Array ( [sliderid] => 4 [usage] => WordPress Shortcode [_class] => ) [2] => [3] => 1 ) ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/layouts/default.phtml [line] => 4 [function] => renderFragmentBlock [class] => N2Layout [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => nextend_content ) ) [13] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/layout.php [line] => 73 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/layouts/default.phtml ) [function] => include ) [14] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/layout.php [line] => 106 [function] => renderLayout [class] => N2Layout [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => Array ( ) ) ) [15] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/controller.php [line] => 82 [function] => render [class] => N2Layout [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( ) [1] => default ) ) [16] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/smartslider/frontend/controllers/home/home.php [line] => 27 [function] => render [class] => N2ControllerAbstract [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [17] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/application/type.php [line] => 119 [function] => actionWordpress [class] => N2SmartSliderFrontendHomeController [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => WordPress Shortcode ) ) [18] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/mvc/application/type.php [line] => 192 [function] => run [class] => N2ApplicationType [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [controller] => home [action] => wordpress [useRequest] => ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => WordPress Shortcode ) ) ) [19] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/includes/shortcode.php [line] => 173 [function] => render [class] => N2ApplicationType [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [controller] => home [action] => wordpress [useRequest] => ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => WordPress Shortcode ) ) ) [20] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/includes/shortcode.php [line] => 45 [function] => render [class] => N2SS3Shortcode [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => e53226e20076f1ad0f3b9a3f08a215b1 [slider] => 4 [logged_in] => [role] => [cap] => [page] => [lang] => [slide] => [get] => ) ) ) [21] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/shortcodes.php [line] => 433 [function] => doShortcode [class] => N2SS3Shortcode [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [slider] => 4 ) [1] => [2] => smartslider3 ) ) [22] => Array ( [function] => do_shortcode_tag [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => [smartslider3 slider=4] [1] => [2] => smartslider3 [3] => slider=4 [4] => [5] => [6] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/shortcodes.php [line] => 273 [function] => preg_replace_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /\[(\[?)(smartslider3)(?![\w-])([^\]\/]*(?:\/(?!\])[^\]\/]*)*?)(?:(\/)\]|\](?:([^\[]*+(?:\[(?!\/\2\])[^\[]*+)*+)\[\/\2\])?)(\]?)/ [1] => do_shortcode_tag [2] => [smartslider3 slider=4] ) ) [24] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/widgets/shortcode.php [line] => 130 [function] => do_shortcode [args] => Array ( [0] => [smartslider3 slider=4] ) ) [25] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/widget-base.php [line] => 531 [function] => render [class] => Elementor\Widget_Shortcode [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [26] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/widget-base.php [line] => 661 [function] => render_content [class] => Elementor\Widget_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [27] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/element-base.php [line] => 668 [function] => _print_content [class] => Elementor\Widget_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [28] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/element-base.php [line] => 884 [function] => print_element [class] => Elementor\Element_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [29] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/element-base.php [line] => 668 [function] => _print_content [class] => Elementor\Element_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [30] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/element-base.php [line] => 884 [function] => print_element [class] => Elementor\Element_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [31] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/base/element-base.php [line] => 668 [function] => _print_content [class] => Elementor\Element_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [32] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/base/document.php [line] => 1180 [function] => print_element [class] => Elementor\Element_Base [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [33] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/base/document.php [line] => 827 [function] => print_elements [class] => Elementor\Core\Base\Document [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c51a3e9 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #dddddd [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [background_overlay_background] => gradient [background_overlay_color] => rgba(41,112,225,0.5) [background_overlay_opacity] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 1 ) [background_position] => center center [background_attachment] => scroll [background_repeat] => no-repeat [background_size] => cover [background_overlay_color_b] => #172d68 [background_overlay_gradient_angle] => Array ( [unit] => deg [size] => 270 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 300 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 70 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [stretch_section] => section-stretched [layout] => full_width [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 0 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [custom_height_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 179 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [margin_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5a40d5e [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [_inline_size_tablet] => 75 [_inline_size_mobile] => 100 [margin_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => ec813b7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [shortcode] => [smartslider3 slider=3] [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => shortcode ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 4699e96 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 228 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [layout] => full_width ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f12b8f0 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #2E2828 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 71 [spread] => 0 [color] => #0A0909 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5299066 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

[align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 60 [right] => 60 [bottom] => 60 [left] => 60 [isLinked] => 1 ) [_background_background] => classic [_background_color] => #BCE2E2 [header_size] => h3 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 4a9f9ce [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6b87e41 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6d960fe [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/1790202.png [id] => 779 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 4fdddde [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6d434d3 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [tabs] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tab_title] => About Practice [tab_content] => The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice. [_id] => eba6de7 ) ) [content_typography_typography] => custom ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => toggle ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4a18644 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f3e6bb1 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [background_background] => classic ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f239d09 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => [header_size] => h6 [align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 7 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => a238bb4 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Our Services [align] => center [header_size] => h3 [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9a74299 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 40 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8e91056 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f3b70dc [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46324.png [id] => 807 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 56cb745 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Tubal Ligation & Reversal​ [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => bca7603 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/tubal-ligation-and-reversal-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 546d1b7 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => b5c552b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46325.png [id] => 806 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 79e17b3 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Hysterectomy & Myomectomy [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => a31a5ed [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/hysterectomy-and-myomectomy-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => b0f17ed [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f4ced5c [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46326.png [id] => 805 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => a89157d [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 0a0460a [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/weight-regain-after-gastric-bypass-sleeve-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 2265370 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => fe0a9da [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46327.png [id] => 804 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7c34714 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Gastric Balloon [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 0963b31 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/gastric-balloon-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4160da6 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 40 [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8aecb18 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c87cc40 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46328.png [id] => 803 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 0d83449 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Gastric Sleeve [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 201cc9c [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/gastric-sleeve-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => d9399de [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 446d577 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46329.png [id] => 802 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2dda1d6 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Varicose Vein Treatment [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => e82d690 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/varicose-vein-treatment-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 31c65de [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1e91cb8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/47514.png [id] => 801 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 104073b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Acid Reflux [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7de1915 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/acid-reflux-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 46be425 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => d16eb9d [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/47515.png [id] => 800 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 669211e [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Same Day Surgery [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 0873537 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [4] => Array ( [id] => b70d851 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 21a2212 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6157abe [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR MISSION [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => b902042 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 4b6c4be [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 66e5d3f [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 58ff07c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f70f899 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR VISION [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9d94c26 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 213dd89 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [6] => Array ( [id] => ec595fe [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => dfa3f6c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 0227186 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR VALUES [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7984414 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 400a3c7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [7] => Array ( [id] => d93425b [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => ff6c630 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 08975fb [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => ead9145 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 33e51d8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [social_icon_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-facebook [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => 8683455 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [1] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-twitter [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => bd6ea61 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [2] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-youtube [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => 2ed7d02 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [3] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-linkedin [library] => fa-brands ) [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => [_id] => 8849cb9 ) ) [shape] => circle ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => social-icons ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 0f1b0c4 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 30 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => db73692 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 4186932 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2072168.jpg [id] => 626 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/what-to-expect-during-a-leep-procedure/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 356bef5 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => 5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 5ce6bc5 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => a042659 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 4936fd6 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2022448.jpg [id] => 811 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/how-labiaplasty-can-change-your-life/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 69f2072 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => f69ea5e [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6a985ba [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 41a255b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2011998.jpg [id] => 812 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/how-to-prepare-for-your-cystoscopy/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => c1359f1 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk? [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => c83eda7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [9] => Array ( [id] => bef0a79 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => d576510 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c1a2550 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [shortcode] => [smartslider3 slider=4] ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => shortcode ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 0e0c5b0 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 2f0fc1a [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [background_background] => classic ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 25f4700 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] =>
[header_size] => h6 [align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 7 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => ed4193c [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] =>

Choose your preferred location

[align] => center [header_size] => h3 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7e38574 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 30 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 64d1779 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => b10e315 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 371 East Paces Ferry Rd NE, Suite 400 Atlanta, GA 30305 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => f292776 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5414675 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 10 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5b359e8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 367 Atlanta Hwy, Loganville, GA 30052 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => dc1c91a [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2b2db3b [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c6d7749 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 3540 Duluth Park Ln NW #290 Duluth, GA 30096 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => b60da4b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 544e8a2 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c4b5e2c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 980c541 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => d34e4cd [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) ) ) ) [34] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/frontend.php [line] => 925 [function] => print_elements_with_wrapper [class] => Elementor\Core\Base\Document [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c51a3e9 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #dddddd [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [background_overlay_background] => gradient [background_overlay_color] => rgba(41,112,225,0.5) [background_overlay_opacity] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 1 ) [background_position] => center center [background_attachment] => scroll [background_repeat] => no-repeat [background_size] => cover [background_overlay_color_b] => #172d68 [background_overlay_gradient_angle] => Array ( [unit] => deg [size] => 270 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 300 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 70 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [stretch_section] => section-stretched [layout] => full_width [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 0 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [custom_height_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 179 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [margin_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5a40d5e [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [_inline_size_tablet] => 75 [_inline_size_mobile] => 100 [margin_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => ec813b7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [shortcode] => [smartslider3 slider=3] [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => shortcode ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 4699e96 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 228 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [layout] => full_width ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f12b8f0 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #2E2828 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 71 [spread] => 0 [color] => #0A0909 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5299066 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

[align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 60 [right] => 60 [bottom] => 60 [left] => 60 [isLinked] => 1 ) [_background_background] => classic [_background_color] => #BCE2E2 [header_size] => h3 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 4a9f9ce [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6b87e41 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6d960fe [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/1790202.png [id] => 779 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 4fdddde [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6d434d3 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [tabs] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tab_title] => About Practice [tab_content] => The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice. [_id] => eba6de7 ) ) [content_typography_typography] => custom ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => toggle ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4a18644 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f3e6bb1 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [background_background] => classic ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f239d09 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => [header_size] => h6 [align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 7 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => a238bb4 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Our Services [align] => center [header_size] => h3 [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 9a74299 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 40 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8e91056 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f3b70dc [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46324.png [id] => 807 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 56cb745 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Tubal Ligation & Reversal​ [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => bca7603 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/tubal-ligation-and-reversal-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 546d1b7 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => b5c552b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46325.png [id] => 806 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 79e17b3 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Hysterectomy & Myomectomy [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => a31a5ed [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/hysterectomy-and-myomectomy-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => b0f17ed [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f4ced5c [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46326.png [id] => 805 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => a89157d [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 0a0460a [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/weight-regain-after-gastric-bypass-sleeve-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 2265370 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => fe0a9da [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46327.png [id] => 804 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7c34714 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Gastric Balloon [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 0963b31 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/gastric-balloon-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4160da6 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 40 [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 8aecb18 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c87cc40 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46328.png [id] => 803 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 0d83449 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Gastric Sleeve [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 201cc9c [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/gastric-sleeve-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => d9399de [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 446d577 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/46329.png [id] => 802 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2dda1d6 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Varicose Vein Treatment [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => e82d690 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/varicose-vein-treatment-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 31c65de [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1e91cb8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/47514.png [id] => 801 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 104073b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Acid Reflux [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7de1915 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/acid-reflux-specialist/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 46be425 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 25 [_inline_size] => [border_border] => solid [border_color] => #151212 [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 21 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.73) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => d16eb9d [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/47515.png [id] => 800 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 669211e [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Same Day Surgery [header_size] => h4 [title_color] => #053E4B [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 20 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 20 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 0873537 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => LEARN MORE → [header_size] => h6 [title_color] => #51B9D0 [_margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [4] => Array ( [id] => b70d851 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 21a2212 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6157abe [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR MISSION [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => b902042 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 4b6c4be [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 66e5d3f [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 58ff07c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => f70f899 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR VISION [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 9d94c26 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 213dd89 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [6] => Array ( [id] => ec595fe [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [height] => min-height [custom_height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 302 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 40 [right] => 40 [bottom] => 40 [left] => 40 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => dfa3f6c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #1C4E6F [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 22 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 0227186 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => OUR VALUES [align] => center [title_color] => #FFF8F8 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 7984414 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Divider [color] => #FFFFFF [weight] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 4 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => divider ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 400a3c7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome

[align] => center ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [7] => Array ( [id] => d93425b [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => ff6c630 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 08975fb [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => ead9145 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 33e51d8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [social_icon_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-facebook [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => 8683455 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [1] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-twitter [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => bd6ea61 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [2] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-youtube [library] => fa-brands ) [_id] => 2ed7d02 [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => ) [3] => Array ( [social_icon] => Array ( [value] => fab fa-linkedin [library] => fa-brands ) [link] => Array ( [url] => [is_external] => true [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) [item_icon_color] => default [item_icon_primary_color] => [item_icon_secondary_color] => [_id] => 8849cb9 ) ) [shape] => circle ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => social-icons ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 0f1b0c4 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 30 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => db73692 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 4186932 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2072168.jpg [id] => 626 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/what-to-expect-during-a-leep-procedure/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 356bef5 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => 5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 5ce6bc5 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => a042659 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 4936fd6 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2022448.jpg [id] => 811 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/how-labiaplasty-can-change-your-life/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 69f2072 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => f69ea5e [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 6a985ba [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 41a255b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [image] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2011998.jpg [id] => 812 ) [link_to] => custom [link] => Array ( [url] => https://atlantabody.wpengine.com/index.php/2020/04/05/how-to-prepare-for-your-cystoscopy/ [is_external] => [nofollow] => [custom_attributes] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => image ) [1] => Array ( [id] => c1359f1 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] => Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk? [header_size] => h4 [align] => center [title_color] => #1C4E6F ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => c83eda7 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] =>

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause.

) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [9] => Array ( [id] => bef0a79 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => d576510 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c1a2550 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [shortcode] => [smartslider3 slider=4] ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => shortcode ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) [10] => Array ( [id] => 0e0c5b0 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [gap] => no [background_background] => classic [background_color] => #F5F9F9 [padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 100 [right] => 100 [bottom] => 100 [left] => 100 [isLinked] => 1 ) [margin_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => 1 ) [padding_tablet] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 75 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 75 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => ) [padding_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 10 [right] => 20 [bottom] => 70 [left] => 20 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 2f0fc1a [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 100 [background_background] => classic ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 25f4700 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] =>
[header_size] => h6 [align] => center [_padding] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 0 [bottom] => 7 [left] => 0 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [1] => Array ( [id] => ed4193c [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [title] =>

Choose your preferred location

[align] => center [header_size] => h3 ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => heading ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 7e38574 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 30 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 64d1779 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => b10e315 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 371 East Paces Ferry Rd NE, Suite 400 Atlanta, GA 30305 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => f292776 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5414675 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) [margin] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 0 [right] => 10 [bottom] => 0 [left] => 10 [isLinked] => ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 5b359e8 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 367 Atlanta Hwy, Loganville, GA 30052 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => dc1c91a [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2b2db3b [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 33 [_inline_size] => [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 30 [right] => 30 [bottom] => 30 [left] => 30 [isLinked] => 1 ) [box_shadow_box_shadow_type] => yes [box_shadow_box_shadow] => Array ( [horizontal] => 0 [vertical] => 0 [blur] => 27 [spread] => 0 [color] => rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.66) ) ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c6d7749 [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [address] => 3540 Duluth Park Ln NW #290 Duluth, GA 30096 [height] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 222 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => google_maps ) [1] => Array ( [id] => b60da4b [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [text] => Request Appointment [align] => center [background_color] => #1F4F6E [border_radius] => Array ( [unit] => px [top] => 25 [right] => 25 [bottom] => 25 [left] => 25 [isLinked] => 1 ) ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => button ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 544e8a2 [elType] => section [settings] => Array ( [structure] => 20 ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => c4b5e2c [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [isInner] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 980c541 [elType] => column [settings] => Array ( [_column_size] => 50 [_inline_size] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [isInner] => 1 ) ) [isInner] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => d34e4cd [elType] => widget [settings] => Array ( [editor] => ) [elements] => Array ( ) [widgetType] => text-editor ) ) [isInner] => ) ) [isInner] => ) ) ) ) [35] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/frontend.php [line] => 843 [function] => get_builder_content [class] => Elementor\Frontend [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 319 ) ) [36] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line] => 324 [function] => apply_builder_in_content [class] => Elementor\Frontend [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [smartslider3 slider=3]

Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

About Practice The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice.

Our Services

Tubal Ligation & Reversal​


Hysterectomy & Myomectomy


Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve


Gastric Balloon


Gastric Sleeve


Varicose Vein Treatment


Acid Reflux


Same Day Surgery



High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome


Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin

5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk?

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause. [smartslider3 slider=4]

Choose your preferred location

Request Appointment Request Appointment Request Appointment ) ) [37] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/plugin.php [line] => 205 [function] => apply_filters [class] => WP_Hook [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [smartslider3 slider=3]

Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

About Practice The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice.

Our Services

Tubal Ligation & Reversal​


Hysterectomy & Myomectomy


Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve


Gastric Balloon


Gastric Sleeve


Varicose Vein Treatment


Acid Reflux


Same Day Surgery



High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome


Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin

5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk?

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause. [smartslider3 slider=4]

Choose your preferred location

Request Appointment Request Appointment Request Appointment [1] => Array ( [0] => [smartslider3 slider=3]

Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

About Practice The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice.

Our Services

Tubal Ligation & Reversal​


Hysterectomy & Myomectomy


Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve


Gastric Balloon


Gastric Sleeve


Varicose Vein Treatment


Acid Reflux


Same Day Surgery



High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome


Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin

5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk?

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause. [smartslider3 slider=4]

Choose your preferred location

Request Appointment Request Appointment Request Appointment ) ) ) [38] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/post-template.php [line] => 256 [function] => apply_filters [args] => Array ( [0] => the_content [1] => [smartslider3 slider=3]

Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

About Practice The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients. Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others. The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off. Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life. Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice.

Our Services

Tubal Ligation & Reversal​


Hysterectomy & Myomectomy


Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass & Sleeve


Gastric Balloon


Gastric Sleeve


Varicose Vein Treatment


Acid Reflux


Same Day Surgery



High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome


Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin

5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk?

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause. [smartslider3 slider=4]

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Request Appointment Request Appointment Request Appointment ) ) [39] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/template-parts/content-page.php [line] => 59 [function] => the_content [args] => Array ( ) ) [40] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/template.php [line] => 792 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/template-parts/content-page.php ) [function] => require ) [41] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/template.php [line] => 725 [function] => load_template [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/template-parts/content-page.php [1] => [2] => Array ( ) ) ) [42] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/general-template.php [line] => 206 [function] => locate_template [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => template-parts/content-page.php [1] => template-parts/content.php ) [1] => 1 [2] => [3] => Array ( ) ) ) [43] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/inc/class-astra-loop.php [line] => 109 [function] => get_template_part [args] => Array ( [0] => template-parts/content [1] => page ) ) [44] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line] => 324 [function] => template_parts_page [class] => Astra_Loop [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [45] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line] => 348 [function] => apply_filters [class] => WP_Hook [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) [46] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/plugin.php [line] => 517 [function] => do_action [class] => WP_Hook [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) [47] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/inc/class-astra-loop.php [line] => 199 [function] => do_action [args] => Array ( [0] => astra_page_template_parts_content ) ) [48] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/inc/class-astra-loop.php [line] => 174 [function] => loop_markup [class] => Astra_Loop [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) ) [49] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line] => 324 [function] => loop_markup_page [class] => Astra_Loop [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [50] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php [line] => 348 [function] => apply_filters [class] => WP_Hook [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) [51] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/plugin.php [line] => 517 [function] => do_action [class] => WP_Hook [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) [52] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/inc/core/theme-hooks.php [line] => 267 [function] => do_action [args] => Array ( [0] => astra_content_page_loop ) ) [53] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/page.php [line] => 32 [function] => astra_content_page_loop [args] => Array ( ) ) [54] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/template-loader.php [line] => 106 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-content/themes/astra/page.php ) [function] => include ) [55] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-blog-header.php [line] => 19 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-includes/template-loader.php ) [function] => require_once ) [56] => Array ( [file] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/index.php [line] => 18 [args] => Array ( [0] => /nas/content/live/atlantabody/wp-blog-header.php ) [function] => require ) ) [previous:Exception:private] => )

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Atlanta Body Institute

General and Bariatric Surgeons, Gynecologists & Cosmetic Specialists located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA & Loganville, GA

About Practice
The highly-skilled surgical team at Atlanta Body Institute is dedicated to spending time with each patient to ensure their individualized procedure is a success. By offering the highest quality health care at affordable prices, this Atlanta-based team strives to make modern treatments and procedures available to all patients.
Leading general surgeons Christopher Ibikunle, MD and Angelina Postoev, MD co-founded Atlanta Body Institute. They recruited a team of medical and surgical experts to be able to provide a realm of surgical services. Some of the most commonly requested surgeries include varicose vein removal, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and gallbladder removal, among others.
The team even has extensive experience in weight loss for overweight and obese patients. They regularly perform successful gastric bypass, sleeve, and balloon surgeries, to name a few. Patients can also expect to get the care they need after surgery, to ensure they continue losing weight and keep it off.
Because each patient is treated as an individual, the team at Atlanta Body Institute is known for their patient-focused approach to medicine. They strive to offer innovative and preventive care, so each patient can experience an improved quality of life.
Team members work together closely to communicate each patient’s specific care plan and needs. This allows patients to get well-rounded treatment, in a compassionate environment where practitioners understand their specific circumstances. The team welcomes new and existing patients to the practice.

Our Services

Tubal Ligation
& Reversal​


Hysterectomy &


Weight Regain After
Gastric Bypass & Sleeve






Varicose Vein




Same Day



High-Quality, Accessible and Affordable Surgical Care Solutions.
Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, is a surgical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare services. Our talented physicians and dedicated team members are committed to serving the ongoing healthcare needs and well-being of our patients, their families and all of the communities we serve. Through our innovative and patient-focused approach, Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, assures the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare services are delivered in a caring and compassionate manner.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall become the most respected and successful surgical group in the United States for our patients, members and partners.


Atlanta Body Institute, a division of Georgia SurgiCare, shall adhere to a high standard of principles and ethics in all that it does.
Our values include:

Quality • Affordability • Accessibility • Respect • Honesty
Fairness Teamwork Patient & Community Commitment • Trust • Candor • Innovation • Accountability • Outcome






5 Reasons You Might Need A Hysterectomy

Though it could be an elective procedure, a hysterectomy could also be medically necessary if you suffer from a few different conditions. Here are five reasons why you might need one.

Struggling To Lose Weight? Consider A Gastric Sleeve

You’ve tried everything — no diet and no workout plan has done the job. Is it time to consider weight loss surgery? Learn about one of the most successful weight loss surgeries available to you.

Are Varicose Veins A Health Risk?

If you are among the 35% of Americans who live with varicose veins, you may be curious about whether they are merely a cosmetic issue or if they pose a health risk. Read on to learn more about the problems that varicose veins may cause.


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